RDP设计,制造和销售的差动变压器位移传感器和其他广泛的范围。 LVDT Displacement transducers accurately measure position and displacement. LVDT位移传感器精确测量位置和位移。 The strength of the LVDT is in its principle of operation.该LVDT的力量是在它的运作原理。 As LVDT sensors are inductive, there is no electrical connection across the sensing element ensuring clean data and a long life.由于LVDT的传感器感应,现时并没有一条干净的遥感数据元素确保电气连接和长寿命。
The LVDT operation principle lends itself to use in extreme environments.该差动变压器工作原理随后又在极端环境下使用。 LVDTs can be made to work submerged in sea water, in temperatures of 600°C (1100°F) in high nuclear ratiation and at pressures of up to 2000bar (30,000psi). LVDTs可向工作在海水淹没,在600℃(温度1100 ° F)在高核ratiation和高达2000bar(30,000 psi)的压力。
GT500Z GT1000 GT2500 GT5000 GT500XRA GT1000RA GT2500RA GT5000RA GT1000P
GT2500P GT5000P ;
D5/25K D5/100K D5/200K D5/300K D5/400K MD5/500K D5/25HK D6/02500U D6/05000U
D5/300HK D5/400HK MD5/500HK D6/02500URA D6/05000URA D5/300HKRA D5/400HKRA
MD5/500HKRA D6/00250A D6/00500A D6/01000A D6/02500A D6/05000A D5/300AG
D5/400AG MD5/500AG D6/00250ARA D6/00500ARA D6/01000ARA D6/02500ARA D6/05000ARA
D5/300AGRA D5/400AGRA MD5/500AGRA ;