质量管理符合 DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
俄罗斯GOST认证 德国船级社认证
俄罗斯GOST – R认证俄罗斯海洋注册登记证
乌克兰GOST认证 EHEDG欧洲卫生工程及设计工作组认证
哈萨克斯坦GOST认证 3A认证
Pressure Gauges for Fire Extinguishing Pumps
In Accordance with DIN 14421
With Vertical Diaphragm4103
These diaphragm pressure gauges are designed especially forapplications at fire extinguishing pumps and comply with DIN 14421.
Nominal Case Size (NCS)80 (3")
Pressure Ranges0-25 bar or-1/+ 25 bar, zero at 12 o clock
Accuracy Class (DIN 14421/EN 837-3)2.5
Pressure Limitations
Steady pressure: full scale value
Cyclic pressure: 90 % of the full scale value
Overpressure: max. 130 % of the full scale value
Temperature Limitations
Storage temperature: -40 to +70 °C (-40 to +158 °F)
Ambient temperature: -20 to +60 °C (-4 to +140 °F)
Medium temperature: max. +60 °C (+140 °F)
Temperature Caused ErrorThe accuracy error caused by media or ambient temperatures
differing from +20 °C (+68° F) is significant. In accordance with EN837-3 it may be up to .8 % f.s. per each 10 °C (18°F).
Protection Type (EN 60529 / IEC 529)IP 54
Standard Configuration
ConnectionM 20 x 1.5 center back connection (rm) brass
Diaphragm CuBeLower Half
Brass O-ring NBR (nitrile rubber)
Movement Brass/German silver
Dial Aluminum alloy, white background, scale -1-0 bar red, 0-25 bar black
Pointer Aluminum black
Bezel Stainless steel, polished
Window Acrylic glass
举个例子,俄罗斯制造测试仪表的精度等级标准为±0.6%, 0.4%, 0.25% and 0.15%.
精度等级为0.4或至上的:带偏心调整功能的特殊活动部分精度等级为0.25或之上的:上无视差指针和在315°上的表盘 测试仪表符合美国ASME标准并成为我们日常生活中的一部分。根据美国市场,常常要求测试仪表精度等级为“Grade 3A”(±0.25%)(没有进一步限制滞后在压力偏差范围之内),提供镜面刻度和调整零点的附件(旋转表盘)。 可以根据国外标准要求定做表盘。