类型LED投光灯型号YML-TGD-12X1W外径尺寸直径180×H260mm灯光颜色银灰/黑色套管材质铝合金LED颜色单色或七彩(可根据要求而定)供电电压AC220V/DC24V(V)功率12W用途建筑墙面、景观投光所彩建筑点缀亮化技术参数表备注适用范围(Applicable scope)光源单颗1W高亮大功率灯珠七彩12W大功率投光灯 适用于户外环境,防水防尘。应用于楼体亮化、立交桥、城市广场、雕塑亮化、公园、舞台照明、广告牌照明、树木照明、景观大道亮化、绿化带亮化等 Be applicable to the outdoor environment, waterproof dustproof, Application in building body, lighting, lighting, city square, sculpture park, stage lighting, lighting, lighting, billboard tree greenbelt landscape avenue lighting, lighting, etcLED数量12颗 色温 光通量1120LM光束角15°/30°/45°/60°光线投射距离10~15米工作环境温度–40℃~+45℃工作环境湿度0~95%防护等级IP65采用环氧树脂封灌进行防水处理控制方式DMX512-400/DMX512-1600/简易控制器内控可实现渐变,跳变,流水,扫描等效果,外控采用外部控制器可实现更多复杂效果控制方式内控或外控变化效果七彩输入连接端二芯公接头,依据安装和连接方式而定输出连接端二芯母接头,依据安装和连接方式而定电气规格 输入电压AC220V/DC24V电源驱动方式恒流驱动消耗功率12W使用寿命≥30000小时结构规格 外壳材质铝合金(灰色/黑色)表面可氧化,喷塑,电镀,喷漆等处理灯罩钢化玻璃5MM厚电路板铝基板 外观尺寸直径180×H260mm重量3kg Leds have monochrome projectine lamp with full-color, various types of color, can according to the customer demand by R, G. B, color, composition of IC chip controlled by can change, jump, chase, water etc. Various changes LED light source safe and reliable, low power consumption, long service life, is mainly used in hotels, restaurants, bars, park, square, playground and public places such as color lamplight ornament applied in stores, cinema, hotel, square garden design, building walls, etc. Reasonable price and are welcome to inquire. Leds project-light lamp - parameter specifies: 1. According to customer requirements of different specifications, the selection of lamplight, the base is pided into two kinds: one kind of plastic (PC ABS), ABS, PC, another kind is to die casting aluminum, 2 LED project-light lamp can be designed according to customers to choose color! The lampcover adopts the anti-ultraviolet flame retardant, PC materials, transparent and white mask options, Aluminum base, PC shell, waterproof, can be installed outside, voltage 24V
为客户提供效果图设计,产品规格书,成本核算报价,安装施工图,派工程师现场指导安装, 如果产品存在质量问题,及时快速为客户提供更换或者维修服务。 品质保修2年,欢迎来电咨询或来工厂实地考察公司人手充足,交货期快,质量好,价格低,全力做LED一流供应商!