订购须知(Ordering information)
尊敬的客户你好:(Dear customer hello:)
*欢迎购买图兰朵无框画,产品图片像素经过处理,在浏览本产品图片时,为达到完美视觉效果,请选择适合尺寸观看,谢谢!(Welcome to buy turandot wu kuang picture, product pictures pixel after processing, in view of this product pictures, to achieve the perfect visual effect, please choose the suitable size, and looked, and thank you!)
*本产品采用进口PVC材质喷绘,全包围式贴在木制板面而成,画面用细十字布纹膜覆面并分段展示.(This product USES the import PVC material spurts draws, full surround type posted on wooden panel and become, the picture with a fine cross grain membrane covering surface and section show. )
*本产品适合室内使用,为延长其使用寿命,请不要被太阳直晒和刮伤.(This product is suitable for indoor use, to prolong its service life, please don't be the sun to be basked in and scratches.)
*本产品安装简单,请参照产品安装说明.(This product installation is simple, please refer to product installation instructions.)
*本产品编号及尺寸解释如下:(This product coding and size explanation is as follows:)
1,产品编号第一个字母表示产品所属的系列, H:花卉系列 F: 风景系列 J: 建筑系列 C:抽象系列 Y: 艺术系列 (1, coding the first letter said products belong to series, H: flowers series F: landscape series J: building series C: abstract series Y: art series)
2,产品编号的第二个字母表示单幅产品的尺寸, Z: 400*400mm 500*500mm 600*600mm 700*700mm C:350*500mm 500*700mm D:800*1200mm 1200*800mm 尺寸单位:mm 产品厚度:25mm (2, coded the second letter delegate one product size, Z: 400 *400 mm500 *500 mm600 *600 mm700 *700 mmC: 350 *500 mm500 *700 mmD: 800 *1200 mm1200 *800 mmsize units: mm product thickness:25 mm)
3,产品编号中“12”意思是2012版,同时也将有2013版,2014版......敬请期待! (3, coding such :"12" means the 2012 version,At the same time also there will be 2014 edition 2015 edition... Please look!)
4,如需帮助请拨:13712970555 我们将竭诚为你服务!(4, if you need help please dial the: 13712970555 we will wholeheartedly for your service!