煤矿用阻燃钢丝绳芯输送带 Combustion - Resistant Steel Cord Conveyor Belt for Coal Mining
结构 抗拉体选用高强度、低延伸镀锌钢丝绳,上下复合配以阻燃、抗静电优质覆盖胶料,在恒张力下,通过压合成型,硫化后,使其能适应煤矿阻燃、导静电环境下物料输送。
Configuration The combustion-resistant steel cord conveyor belt for coal mining is using the higher strength,less elongation galvanized steel cord.which top and bottom surface are covered with combustion—resistant & anti—static rubber. The configuration is molded in invariable tensile. It can convey materials in conbustion—resistant and anti—static environments after being vulcanized
用途 适用于煤矿井下阻燃抗静电环境下使用。具有阻燃、抗静电,拉伸强度大,寿命长,使用 伸长小,成槽性好,耐曲挠性好,适用于长距离,大跨度,大运量和高速度物料输送。
Application The belt has excellent performance such as fire-resistance anti-static performance,high strength,longevity,less elongation,good flexibility and th roughability. It is suitable for conveying materials at the occasion of long distance, high span,large load,and high strength in fire-resistance antistatic environments.
规格型号 强度规格:630N/mm~4000N/mm 宽度规格:800mm~2000mm
Specification Intensity:630N/mm~4000N/mm Width:800mm-2000mm

主要技术指标(MT668-1997)/Main Specification
1、覆盖胶性能/Cover Rubber Performance

2、钢丝绳的粘合强度/Adhesion strength of steel cord

 3、安全性能 (1)滚筒摩擦试验 每块试样经滚筒摩擦试验时, 其任何部位不得发生有焰燃烧和无焰燃烧现象,滚筒表面温度不得大于325~C。 (2)酒精喷灯试验 对6块具有完整覆盖层试样,在移去喷灯后,所有试样的有焰燃烧时间的算术平均值和无焰燃烧时间的算术平均值不得大于3S, 其中每块试样的有焰燃烧时间和无焰燃烧时间单值不得大于10s。对6块剥去覆盖层试样.在移去-喷灯后,所有试样的有焰燃烧时间的算术平均值和无焰燃烧时间的算术平均值不得大于5s,其中每块试样的有焰燃烧时间和无焰燃烧时间单值不得大于15s。 (3)巷道丙烷燃烧试验 全宽度上保留的未损坏长度应大于250mm (4)表面电阻值 试样上、下两个表面的表面电阻算术平均值不得大于3*10(8次方)欧姆 产品介绍 3. Safety Character (1). Drum friction test During drum friction test, any part of test sample shall not show any sign of flame or glow The surface temperature of drum shall be less than 325℃. (2) Combustion test with ethanol blowtorch Average buming time with/without flame for six test samples with full covering shall be not more than 3s after ethanol bumer moving away. Each inpidual sample's burning time with/without flame shall be not more than 10s in the same condition. Average buming time with/without flame for six test samples with full covering shall be not more than 5s after ethanol bumer moving away. Each inpidual sample's burning time with/without flame shall be not more than 15s in the same condition (3) Laneway Propane buming test Length that is completely undamaged by flame shall be more than 250mm (4) Sufface electrical resistance Average electrical resistance of both surfaces shall be not more than 3×10(8次方)欧姆.
型号标记/Belting is commonly Specified As Following Partern
