防撕裂钢丝绳芯输送带 Tear-proof Steel Cord Conveyor Belt
结构 抗拉体选用高强度、低延伸镀锌钢丝绳.在纵向钢丝绳上面或下面增设横向增强体作防撕裂层,配以高强度、耐磨和耐老化覆盖胶构成。胶带在运行中,被尖锐物刺穿发生撕裂情况下,有阻止撕裂扩大的作用。
Configu ration The tear—proof steel cord conveyor belt is using the higher strength,less elongation galvanized steel cord in longitudinal,which top and/or bottom are covered with strengthened transverse carcass and with high strength wearable aging-resistance rubber covered.When there are aculeate object thrust buy the belt can be protected and crack extending is prevented
用途 适用于煤矿、矿山、港口、电力、冶金、建材等行业要求防撕裂条件下的物料输送。具有拉伸强度大、寿命长、使用伸长小、成槽性好、耐曲挠性好。可用于长距离、大跨度、大运量和高速度物料的输送。
Application Applied for conveying materials that require high strength,longevity.less elongevity,less elongation,long distance.good flexibility,good slot molding at the occasion of long distance.high span.large and high strength in the field of coal mining,port,electricity,metallurgy,etc.
规格型号 强度规格:630N/mm-5400N/mm 宽度规格:800mm~2000mm
Specification Intensity:630N/mm~5400N/mm Width:800mm~2000mm

主要技术指标(HG/T3646—1999)/Main Specification 1、覆盖胶性能/Cover Rubber Performance

2、钢丝绳的粘合强度符合GB/T 9770的规定
Steal cord adhesion strength is according to the GB/T 9770 regulation.
3、层问粘合强度 纵向增强体与相邻橡胶层之间的粘合强度应不低于10N/mm
Adhesion of ply to ply Adhesion of transverse strengthened carcass and the covering nearby shall be not less than 10N/MM.
4 Tear—proof Performance

型号标记/Belting is commonly Specified As Following Parttern
