沈阳科瑞斯特化学研究所成立于1998年,是国内早期从事于喷绘耗材研制的科研单位,技术实力雄厚。几年来先后研制成功了保护膜、清洗剂、油墨、油墨过滤器、喷头清洗机、喷头测试仪等系列产品并开发了喷头清洗、维修、贴膜技术,具体维修喷头类型包括:Epson四代五代喷头、Konica512和256、北极星、HP5000, Spectra256和128, Seiko510, Spectra256, XAAR500和382, XAAR126和128, VT5300和3360, Toshiba, Hitachi192, 256等各款喷头的清洗、修理和喷头贴膜技术。我们的服务受到包括美国、德国、南非、澳大利亚、新加坡、马来西亚、印度、韩国、菲律宾、台湾、香港等客户的好评。
邮箱:cncrst@163.com, cncrst@hotmail.com
Shenyang CRST Chemistry Researching Institute was founded in 1998. It is the early
R&D institute with strong technical strength. It has successfully developed protective film, cleaning solution, ink, ink filter, printhead cleaning machine and printhead tester. It can offer prefect service about printhead cleaning, repairing and printhead sticking-film service, with specific printhead types as follows: Epson 4 and 5, Konica 512 and 256, Polaris, HP5000, Spectra 256 and 128, Seiko510, Spectra 256, XAAR 500 and 382, XAAR 126 and 128, VT5300 and 3360, Toshiba, Hitachi192 and 256. Our printhead-repairing service is spoken highly by clients from all over the world such asAmerica,Germany,South Africa,Singapore,Malaysia,India,South Korea,Philippines,Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.
Shenyang CRST Chemistry Researching Institute
1-1-1, No. 97-1,Beihai Street, Dadong, District,Shenyang,China
Phone: 86-024-31995397
Mobile: 13019356151
Email: cncrst@hotmail.com, cncrst@163.com
Website: www.crstcn.cn