1型六角螺母GB/T 6170-2000 •六角薄螺母GB/T 6172.1-2000 •盖形螺母GB/T 923-88 •标准型弹簧垫圈GB/T 93-87 •内六角沉头螺钉GB/T 70.3-2000 •内六角平圆头螺钉GB/T 70.2-2000 •内六角圆柱头螺钉GB/T 70.1-2000 •内六角凹端紧定螺钉GB/T 80-2000 •平垫圈A级GB/T 97.1-2002 •钢结构用高强度垫圈GB/T 1230-91 •钢结构用高强度大六角头螺母GB/T 1229-91 •钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓GB/T 1228-91 •大半圆头方颈螺栓C级GB/T 14-1998 •半圆头方颈螺栓GB/T 12-88 •十字槽小盘头螺钉GB/T 823-88 •等长双头螺柱B级GB/T 901-88 •十字槽沉头螺钉第1部分:钢4.8级GB/T 819.1-2000 •十字槽盘头螺钉GB/T 818-2000 •开口型扁圆头抽芯铆钉GB/T 12618-90 •圆柱销不淬硬钢和奥氏体不锈钢GB/T 119.1-2000 •十字槽沉头自攻螺钉GB/T 846-85 •十字槽盘头自攻螺钉GB/T 845-85 •小垫圈A级GB/T 848-2002 •大垫圈A级GB/T 96.1-2002 •六角头螺栓GB/T 5782-2000 •六角头螺栓全螺纹GB/T 5783-2000 所有GB标准 螺栓 •方头螺栓C级Square head bolts-Product grade C GB/T 8-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB8-76 •沉头方颈螺栓Flat countersunk square neck bolts GB/T 10-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB10-76 •沉头带榫螺拴Flat countersunk nib bolts GB/T 11-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB11-76 •半圆头方颈螺栓Cup head square neck bolts GB/T 12-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB12-76 •半圆头带榫螺栓Cup head nid bolts GB/T 13-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB13-76 •大半圆头方颈螺栓C级Cup head square neck bolts with large head-Product grade C GB/T 14-1998 |代替GB14-88 •大半圆头带榫螺栓Cup head nib bolts with large head GB/T 15-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB15-76 •六角头铰制孔用螺栓Hexagon fit bolts-product grade A and B GB/T 27-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB27-76 •六角头螺杆带孔铰制孔用螺栓Hexagon fit bolts with split pin hole on shank-product grade A and B GB/T 28-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB28-76 •六角头头部带槽螺栓A和B级Hexagon bolts with slot on head -product A and B GB/T 29.1-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB29-76 •十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓Cross recessed hexagon bolts with indentation GB/T 29.2-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB29-76 •下方头螺栓B级Square head bolts with small head-praduct grade B GB/T 35-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB35-76 • T形槽用螺栓Bolts for T-Slot GB/T 37-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB37-76 •加强半圆头方颈螺栓Strengthened cup head square neck bolts GB/T 794-93 |代替GB794-67 •六角头螺杆带孔螺栓Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-product grade A and B GB/T 31.1-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB31、23、24-76 •六角头螺杆带孔螺栓细杆B级Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-Reduced shank-product grade B GB/T 31.2-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB31、23、24-76 •六角头螺杆带孔螺栓细牙A和B级Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank-Fine pitch thread-product grade A and B GB/T 31.3-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB31、23、24-76 •六角头头部带孔螺栓A和B级Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head-product grade A and B GB/T 32.1-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB32、25、26-76 •六角头头部带孔螺栓细杆B级Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head-Reduced shank-product grade B GB/T 32.2-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB32、25、26-76 •六角头头部带孔螺栓细牙A和B级Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head-Fine pitch thread-product grade A and B GB/T 32.3-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB32、25、26-76 •活节螺栓Eye bolts GB/T 798-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB798-76 •地脚螺栓Eyelet bolts GB/T 799-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB799-76 •沉头双榫螺Flat countersunk double nib bolts GB/T 800-88 | UDC 621.882.6 |代替GB800-77 •小半圆头低方颈螺栓B级Cup head square neck bolts with small head and short neck-product grade B