代开/收信用证、投资等业务。各种形式的信用证,国际汇票,托收,保函, 赊销。
有需要请联系! 李经理 Mr.Lee 手机:18664842608
电话: (+86) 020-83326697
QQ:2573383958 MSN:exfinance@hotmail.com skype: exfinance
中轻总公司/ 中轻三联广州办事处/广东蒎诺蒙进出口贸易有限公司
Guangdong Paramoat Imp.& Exp.Trade CO.,LTD is the office of China Light Tri-union Int'l CO.,LTD who belongs to well known state-owned enterprise China National Light Industrial Products Imp.& Exp.Corp
With Strong financial and inter-disciplinary talent and professional team ,we supply the solutions for huge exp & imp projects financing .
We are sepcializing big projects financing ,imp & exp agent , tax refund & investment .
Welcome to visit us.
Manager: Mr.Lee
Mobile:86 18664842608
Tel: +86 20-83326697
QQ:2573383958 MSN:exfinance@hotmail.com skype: exfinance
Add:4F ,Baifu Square ,No.168 , North Road of BaiYun avenue, BaiYun,Guangzhou,PRC