焰火派对2代 最流行游戏机 最先进娱乐机台 电玩城游戏? ?游戏玩法说明(Playing instrution)1、投币,游戏开始。(Insert coin , game start)2、在规定时间内,代币随机落入分数槽,推倒挡片得该分值分数,并点亮示意灯(Within the limit time, if the coin hit the plastic barrier with different scores and lighten the light, you can get the score)3、当代币落入方位大奖得分槽,恭喜玩家中了方位大奖。(When the coin fall into the slot of the big prize, you can get the big prize)4、当同色区域灯全被点亮时,恭喜玩家中BONUS连线大奖!(When all the lights in the same color area are lighted, you get get the BONUS of online )