一、塑料干燥机Hopper Dryer塑料干燥机系列美观坚固,温度控制,大幅度提升烘干效率,机种齐全,有一般型及除湿型,广获国内外塑胶工业界信赖与爱用,是现代化塑胶成型工厂不可或缺的设备。In addition to the reliable and Durability."XB Hopper Dryer "design characteristic by precision Temperature Control,Greatly Drying efficiency.Models available such as General Hot Air Dryer and Hot Air re-cycle dryer,it is an indispensable equipment in the plastic processing factory.
★Even Heat Distribution:
★High efficiency,save drying time.
★Accurate Thermo-Control:
★Very high accuracy assuredby excellent controller
★Convenience to change of material.
★Reliable Design:
★Compact,easily to use.
★Increase the speed for Injection Cycle:
★Decreases melting time with pre heat material.
★24hrs Timer(optional) 产品参数 标准规格 Specifications 型号 Model容量确Capacity(kg)电热 Heater(kw)风机Blower(w)外型尺寸Dimensions(cm) LⅹWⅹH适用成型机Applicable to injection machines重量 Weight(kg)XBHD-12E121.85060 × 40 × 851oz25XBHD-25E2539075 × 50 × 1053oz35XBHD-50E504.510090 × 55 × 1205~8oz45XBHD-75E754.525095 × 60 × 1308~10oz50XBHD-100E1006250100 × 70 × 14010~20oz70XBHD-150E1506350110 × 75 × 16015~20oz80XBHD-200E20012350120 × 85 × 17020~30oz120XBHD-300E30015500145 × 100 × 18525~30oz120XBHD-400E40018750150 × 105 × 20030~40oz230XBHD-600E60021750160 × 115 × 22040~50oz250XBHD-1000E1000301100185 × 140 × 27060oz400以上规格如有变更,恕不另行通知,特殊规格可另行设计制造。Special design upon request.