基于水性体系的合成多功能分散剂 Synthetic versatile dispersant for Water-borne systems
化学种类 Nature 名称:多元羧酸共聚物,钾盐
Potassium salt of a polycarboxylic polymer in aqueous solution
*由于具有憎水性,相对传统的丙烯酸类分散剂COADIS 123K可明显提高水性乳胶漆,特别是高PVC涂料的耐水性。
Due to its hydrophobic character, COADIS 123 K significantly contributes to improve water resistance of water-based systems with high PVC, such as plasters, renderings and flat dispersion paints, compared with classical acrylic dispersants.Water resistance can be estimated, e.g. for flat dispersion paints, through wet scrub resistance tests on dry film or early water resistance tests on recent film. Replacement of a classical acrylic dispersant by COADIS 123 K in a washable flat dispersion paint can raise the water resistance of the paint up to a scrub resistance level (see examples).
* COADIS 123K建议用于高光水性体系涂料,因为它确保高光泽度和优秀的保光性
Recommended for water-based gloss dispersion paints for it ensures high gloss level and excellent gloss retention
* COADIS 123K是一种卓越的色浆分散剂,因为它对大部分的有机颜料都有良好的分散作用,它的好处包括防止浮色和防止泡沫的产生,并可提高颜料展色性;
An excellent dispersant for pigment paste formulation because of its compatibility with a wide range of organic pigments. Its utilization contributes to avoid flotation and foam generation, and provides excellent colour acceptance. * COADIS 123K要求添加量在0.1%~1%(有效含量),一般添加量为0.1%~0.5%,碳黑色浆体系可达到15%。为达到良好的分散效果,COADIS 123K需先于颜料加入水中,它也可以按配方要求分步加入。
Requires levels of use between 0.1% and 1% (dry product on total formulation weight) and more often between 0.1% and 0.5% (e.g. in renderings, in flat and gloss dispersion paints). Levels of use are higher for the formulation of organic pigment pastes and can reach until 15% for a carbon black dispersion (dry product on pigment weight). COADIS 123 K should be added preferably before pigment introduction in order to reach the best dispersing efficiency, but can also be introduced at each step of the formulation if needed.
* 液体,容易使用 A liquid, ready-to-use dispersant,
* 多功能分散剂,应用领域广泛从石灰泥到高光涂料均可使用 A versatile dispersant, usable in a broad number application fields, from plasters to high gloss
* 易于与其他产品混溶 Formulations
* 适用于大部分有机颜料 Compatible with a wide range of organic pigments
Excellent early water and scrub resistance to formulations with high PVC,
* 在高光和半光配方中提供光泽
Excellent gloss level to gloss and semi-gloss dispersion paints,
* 高效的颜料初期分散性和长久的分散稳定性
Good dispersing efficiency and on aging stability
性质 Nature 多元钾盐羧酸共聚物水溶液 Potassium salt of a polycarboxylic polymer in aqueous solution
外观(20℃) Appearance 液体 Amber liquid,
固含量(%) Solids content 24
pH(20℃) 11 密度(20℃) Specific gravity 1.08
布氏粘度(100 rpm, 25℃) Brookfield viscosity 2500 mPa.s
参考配方 EXAMPLES (敬希垂询)
COADIS 系列的耐湿擦测试: