聚氯乙烯 树脂 (粉料级) 8500元/吨
mixture or copolymer of poly vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate with low molecular weight and high
acetate content, specially suited for calendaring of vinyl flooring that contains important amounts of
mineral fillers.(聚氯乙烯和低分子量高盐酸含量的乙酸乙烯酯的混合物或共聚物,特别地适用于包含大量重要矿
acetate content(醋酸盐含量): 13 to 15 %
K value(K值): 45 to 46.
bulk density(容积密度): 800 kg/m3 (0,8 g/ml)
viscosity(粘性) (ISO 1628-2): 50 ml/g
form: powder(粉末状)
colour: white(白色)