七氟丙烷灭火剂具有良好的清洁性 — 在大气中完全汽化不留残渣、良好的气相电绝缘性,适用于以全淹没灭火方式扑救电气火灾、液体火灾或可熔固体火灾、固体表面火灾、灭火前能切断气源的气体火灾,保护计算机房、通讯机房、变配电室、精密仪器室、发电机房、油库、化学易燃品库房及图书库、资料库、档案库、金库等场所。本公司生产的七氟丙烷灭火系统结构合理、动作可靠,已广泛应用于电子计算机房、档案馆、程控交换机房、电视广播中心及金融机构、政府机关等重要场所。
Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea) is a clean extinguishing agent, which would completely vaporized in the air, and well insulated. Its total flooding mode is applicable to electric fire, liquid fire or fusible solid fire, solid surface fire, gas fire which gas supply is cut before extinguishing. And it is able to protect computer rooms, communication rooms, substation rooms, hi-tech device rooms, generator rooms, gasoline storerooms, combustible chemical storerooms, libraries, data rooms, archives, treasuries, etc. We manufacture HFC-227ea system that is well structured, reliable, and widely applied to computer rooms, archives, program control exchange engine rooms, TV broadcast center, financial organizations and government departments.