在酒店中应用香气来愉悦顾客,并非威斯汀酒店一家的专利。喜来登酒店集团为其分布世界各地的142家福朋喜来登品牌酒店同样量身定做了一套香味,这款香味有个好听的名字,叫“PinwheelsintheBreeze(风车味)”,当顾客踏入任何一家福朋喜来登品牌酒店,最先引起注意的必然是空气里弥漫着的清新自然之味——像是夏日暴雨过后,草地上散发出来的阵阵青草味,透露着清新舒爽的户外气息。这种与众不同的“风车味”已然成为福朋喜来登专属的“香味名片”。除了威斯汀和福朋喜来登,喜来登酒店集团旗下的瑞吉、W酒店、喜来登等多个品牌,万豪 香格里拉 等国际知名酒店集团,也都纷纷根据自身酒店的风格、定位,引入各种“香味识别术”,定制自己特有的味道。
CY-S Connect large combined-type ventilation system
CY-S Central Air Conditioning Automatic Aroma Fragrance Delivery System covers 500 to 50,000 sq ft area, Completely Discreet, Wall Mounted and HVAC Versions
CY-S Central Air Conditioning Automatic Aroma Fragrance Delivery System is a provider of ambience scenting solution. It creates pleasant and luxurious scented ambience by diffusing pure essential oil and aroma oils into the living spaces making it truly memorable experience of aromatherapy.
Can a Hotel Lobby have a customize scent which can work as olfactory logo for them? Yes, CY-S Central Air Conditioning Automatic Aroma Fragrance Delivery System designs signature aroma for hotels to provide its guest with multi sensory experience. CY-S Central Air Conditioning Automatic Aroma Fragrance Delivery System enables businesses to create an enjoyable hotel stay experience, brand building, brand scenting etc. by engaging memory and emotions through sense of smell. Proven to enhance the appeal of any environment, these pioneering scent technologies can be customized to reflect even the most challenging environment or brand. It partners with the worlds leading fragrance houses to create and deliver most enticing, exotic and superior quality aromas. Our fragrance oils are complex and specially formulated having highest quality ingredients.
It has been applied with success to advertise and market virtually any type of product. It is a cost effective Brand marketing that enables marketers to successfully promote new products, increase sales and create brand loyalty. Smell is the medium that instinctively influences our decisions and therefore helps the consumer to reach a purchasing decision. That's the essence of CY-S Central Air Conditioning Automatic Aroma Fragrance Delivery System
Researchers have shown that smell has an immediate and compelling effect on human behavior, health and well being. The sense of smell is directly linked to the limbic system (the emotional centre of the brain), which is responsible for our memories and our emotions, both on a conscious and unconscious level. Smell goes beyond our rational perception and has an impact on our emotions and actions.
CY-S Central Air Conditioning Automatic Aroma Fragrance Delivery System can scent from 500 sq ft to 50,000 sq. ft. area. Fully automated, Fragrance system controller controls the intensity and frequency of aroma. It is available in wall mount and HVAC connectable versions.
Unlike other less advanced scent technologies such as Oil Burner, Air Fresheners, Room Fragrance, Odor Control, Essential Oil Diffuser etc. which heat the scent and pump air into the fragrance liquid.The result is a consistently high level of scent quality over a period of time, with no residuals in the air conditioning systems HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) tunnels. Aromatherapy Diffuser converts the scented oil into the gas form and diffuses evenly and homogenously in the desire areas. It not only masks the unwanted odor problem but completely eliminates the air born bacterias and purifies the indoor air quality with its fragrance diffusion system.
Hotel Lobby, Restaurant & Bar, Pubs & Nightclubs, Gaming & Casino, SPA & Fitness Clubs, Cinemas & Auditoriums and Hospitals can now have their ambience smell like peeling fresh orange, chocolate cream pie, crisp green apple, luscious fragrance of sweet coconut, distinctive aroma of freshly cut grass, pleasant green tea aroma and many more. CY-S Central Air Conditioning Automatic Aroma Fragrance Delivery System provides more than 100 types of aromas to choose from. Imagine a popular restaurant scented with rose on a valentine day, a sugary cookie on Christmas and cucumber & melon on a hot summer afternoon.