化妆品防盗标签 超市防盗
编号: RF-1965(1.9X6.5)
频率: 8.2MHz (可解码/不可解码/透明/热敏纸) 尺寸: 19mmx65mm
颜色: 条码/白色/黑色或客户指定
包装: 20,000张/箱 (1,000张/卷), 0.02立方, 10公斤(毛重)
描述: 薄型纸标签,适合所有8.2MHz无线电射频系统,适用于零售环境中所有产品。

How Swept-RF Works(射频系统工作原理)
Swept-RF uses a transmitter to create a detection zone where tags are detected. The transmitter sends a signal that varies between 7.4 and 8.8 MHz (millions of cycles per second), which is why it is called swept; it sweeps over a range of frequencies.
The transmitter signal energizes the swept-RF tag, which is composed of a circuit containing a capacitor and a coil, both of which store electrical energy. When connected together in a loop, the components can pass energy back and forth or "resonate."
The tag responds by emitting a signal that is detected by a wideband receiver, meaning a receiver that monitors for signals over a wide frequency range; for swept-rf systems the bandwidth is typically about 1,400,000 Hz. By detecting a phase difference between these two signals, the receiver recognizes the presence of a tag, and it alarms.
标签通过散发一台多种频率的接收器查出的信号反应,意味那的接收器为在一个宽频率范围的信号监测;对于射频rf系统带宽是典型地大约1,400,000 Hz。通过查出这两个信号之间的相位差,接收器认可标记的出现,并且发出报警