PVC扣板吊顶材料,是以聚氯乙烯树脂为基料,加入一定量抗老化剂、改性剂等助剂,经混炼、压延、真空吸塑等工艺而制成的。 这种PVC扣板吊顶特别适用于厨房、卫生间的吊顶装饰,具有质量轻、防潮湿、隔热保温、不易燃烧、不吸尘、易清洁、可涂饰、易安装、价格低等优点。
PVC gusset plate condole top material, are made of PVC resin as binder, added with a certain volume anti-aging agent, modifier and additives, the mixing, rolling, vacuum suction plastic technology and made of. This PVC gusset plate ceiling are especially suitable for kitchen, toilet condole top decoration, has the light quality, prevent moisture, heat insulation heat preservation, not easy combustion, dust collection, easy to clean, finishing, easy installation, low price advantage.
PVC gusset plate ceiling design variety is more, selection of designs and varieties are: milky white, cream-colored, lake is blue, etc.; Design: night-blooming cereus, flat peach, XiongZhu, yunlong, lattice flower, spelling a flower, etc.
Choose to buy PVC plastic gusset plate, the first requirement appearance beautiful, neat; Secondly, smell plate, such as with strong excitant odour, it is harmful to the body, should choose the tasteless safety products ceiling. Can ask to produce or distribute unit is shown the inspection report, and shall pay special attention to oxygen index is unqualified, it must be greater than 30, is conducive to fire. Then according to the installation place and inpidual hobby and environmental factors such as the coordination, to choose appropriate his bedroom decorative pattern of design and color of the plate.