该机采用PLC +触摸屏幕,为化妆品行业专门设计制造,用于包装无纺布材料的面膜,也可用于包装类似湿巾、纸巾等产品。该机使用四边封预制袋,手工放袋,自动完成送袋、开口、充填药液、封口包装、打印日期批号等工序。Thismachine is specially designed for cosmestic products. The article ispremade and folded non-woven facial masks, or other wet wipes, paper tissues, dinner tissues, etc., and the packing material is premade sachets. Firstly, put the folded masks into each sachet manually, and then put the sachets in the sachets-feeding device, the machine takes the sachets automatically, open, infuse liquid, seal and print codes.