型号: FNBI-01,FNBI-02,FNBI-03,FNBI-04系列
产品名称: 磁翻板液位计
介质密度: ≥0.5Kg/L
介质压力: ≤5.0Mpa
介质温度: -40~130℃/200℃
测量范围: 300-6000mm
测量精度: ±8mm
浮球材质: SUS304/SUS316L
连接方式: 法兰连接(可定制)
顶部连接: 圆顶+赛头(可定制)
限位开关: 可定制
是否远传: 可定制
是否防爆: 可定制
Magnetic Level Indicator
Product Description
Magnetic Level Indicator is a type of field indication and control instrument, which is ounted outside or on the top of the tank to indicate and control the liquid level in the tank/vessel. The indicator consists of magnetic color chips. When the magnetic floating ball in the tube rises with the liquid level, the magnetic color chip is turned over due to the magnetic field and the color changes from red into white or from white into red, displaying the liquid level instantly.According to the user's need, 4-20mA remote transmission signal transmitter, switch signal transmitter, digital liquid level display and etc. can also be mounted on the tube. Magnetic level indicator is applied to the measurement of the liquid level or surface in open or closed pressure vessel. High temperature, high pressure and low density special float design, high quality of anticorrosive material such as stainless steel SUS 304 or SUS316L, Teflon PTFE, polypropylene (PP), and advanced tech. application such as X-ray detection, cold-rolling broaching weld, all ensure that the product can be adapted to any demand at site. Additional blowoff valve can be added onto the bottom sealing type of the tube when necessary. Customized product is available for various types of special specifications.