型号含义Main technical parameters 主要技术参数Main technical parameters 回路数 额定电压(A) 总开关电流(A) 支路电流(A) 防爆标志 防护等级 防腐等级
Circuit number Rated voltage Main current Branch current Ex-mark Protection grade Corrosion-proof grade Exde II BT6 IP54
2,3,4,6,8 380 ≤400 ≤160 *Exde II CT6 *IP55 WF1 产品特点Features■适合于控制多台电动机,还可以照明或仪表配出电源. ◆ A ble to control several motors,also to supply power for
illuminating of instrument.
■铸铝合金或钢板焊接外壳,表面喷塑. ◆ The shell is made of diacasted A1-alloy or welded stell