ITT Circular系列连接器代理
ITT Interconnect Solutions附属于ITT Corporation ITT集团公司。是全球的互连组件制造商和供应商。ITT Interconnect Solutions旗下有三个子品牌:Cannon, VEAM和BIW。
ITT连接器和互连设备应用无处不在,主要包括军事和航空航天、 民用飞机、 工业 / 仪器仪表、 医疗、 石油和天然气、 能源、 交通、 电信 / 手机、 计算机 / 消费者和汽车等市场领域。
For field installable power distribution systems. Allow complete hook up through the standard daisy chain principle. .
Miniature power cable hook up system, offers high current capability while maintaining minimal physical dimensions.
Wellhead and Packer Feedthru
The BIW Field Attachable Packer Feedthru provides a fast method of installing an electrical Power Feedthru in a packer.
The system consists of a field attachable Feedthru Connectors, together with a hardware kit that allows the connector to be installed on the top side of a packer using the supplied Cross-over Adapter.
The packer feedthru portion of oil well completions provides a fluid barrier at the packer permitting electrical power to pass safely and reliably through the packer and down to the electrical submersible pump (ESP) motor or downhole heater. BIW Connector Systems works closely with packer manufacturers to ensure proper fit and material compatibility.
BIW Power Cable ConnectorsTMare field attachable connectors that are designed to replace splices during the installation of power cables for electric submersible pumps in oil wells. Installation of Power Cable Connectors is generally faster than the installation of a field cable splice. Additional time can be saved by attached Power Cable Connectors to reels of cable, before these are delivered to the rig site.
The BIW Connector Systems line of medium voltage power connectors have become the worldwide standard for providing reliable delivery of power to electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) and downhole heaters in both benign and harsh environments.
The feedthru portion of the system provides a fluid block permitting electrical power to pass safely and reliably through the well’s pressure barrier. BIW Connector Systems works with the wellhead manufacturer to assure proper fit and material compatibility.
BIW downhole connectors for use with electrical submersible pumps and downhole heaters are protected with robust metal shells and are available in a variety of sizes with factory molded cable “pigtails” or are Field Attachable onto the power cable.
The BIW pressure blocking feedthru for metal clad instrument cables provides a secure pressure barrier for single conductor instrument cables. A breach of the metal clad cable below the tubing hangar will be safely contained. The feedthru withstands pressures up to 10,000 psi.
Electric Vehicle connector
Electric Vehicle connector forNorth America markets featuring a modular handle for all regional electric vehicle charing interconnects. Quick termination on the Tier 1 connector with charging options from 20A single phase to 63A three phase.
电话: 0755 – 8305 0846 手机:186 8148 9117
传真: 0755 – 8303 5176
QQ: 2392507165 MSN:djj1217@
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公司地址:广东省深圳市福田区福华路21号福侨大厦18E(华强北) 518033