ITT Pack and Panel系列连接器代理
ITT Interconnect Solutions附属于ITT Corporation ITT集团公司。是全球的互连组件制造商和供应商。ITT Interconnect Solutions旗下有三个子品牌:Cannon, VEAM和BIW。
ITT连接器和互连设备应用无处不在,主要包括军事和航空航天、 民用飞机、 工业 / 仪器仪表、 医疗、 石油和天然气、 能源、 交通、 电信 / 手机、 计算机 / 消费者和汽车等市场领域。
BKAD/BKAE connectors feature rear release/rear removable, low insertion force contacts. They are interchangeable with the contacts used in the DPX series and permit retrofit of existing equipment. BKAF connectors are totally intermateable and intermountable with ARINC Series 600
Standard connectors now in the field. They use front release/front removable, low insertion force contacts. The BKAF permits the user to easily replace a contact in case of problems, rather than diassemble the entire connector. The system maintains the advantages of low insertion force technology
incorporated in all ARINC Series 600 Standard connectors.
DPA series is a rugged, miniature rack and panel connector utilizing maximum insert space in a one-piece shell. DPAMA plugs are DPA plugs with the proven Little Caesar contact assembly for rear insertion, release and extraction of crimp type contacts. Insertion requires no tool; extraction requires an expendable plastic tool. Hard dielectric, closed-entry socket insert has lead-in chamfers for positive mating of pin contacts.
Contacts are of simpler, stronger design for greater resistance to bending or damage.
DPGM, DPJM, and DPJMB connectors are designed for applications where space and weight are prime considerations. Their rectangular
shape provides maximum space utilization and permits easy removal of equipment for inspection and/or repair. DPGM and DPJM connectors feature crimp snap-in contacts with ring-type retention while DPJMB connectors feature the Little Caesar rear release contact retention assembly (rear
insertion, release and extraction of crimp snap-in contacts).
DPK series are high performance environment-resistant, rectangular connectors qualified to MIL-C-83733 (USAF). They feature crimp snap-in contacts in the dependable Little Caesar rear release contact retention assembly. This field-proven assembly permits contacts to be inserted and extracted at the rear of the connector. Contacts are qualified to military specifications and are crimped with MIL-C-22520 crimp tools, using standard locators.
The DPX connector comes in single, two, three and four gang versions and can accommodate up to 424 contacts. The DPX*MA connector features the LITTLE CAESAR contact assembly for rear insertion, release and extraction of crimp type contaccts. DPX*ME connectors feature environmental interfacial and grommet seals along with the LITTLE CAESAR contact assembly. DPXA shells utilize their keystone-shaped for polarization posts that are capable of providing up to 99 polarization positions.
DPXNA (non-environmental, Type IV) and DPXNE (environmental, Types II and III) rack and panel connectors are designed to meet or exceed the requirements of MIL-C-81659, Revision B. DPXNA/NE connectors are available in single through four gang configurations, with a total
of 13 contact arrangements accommodating contact sizes 12, 16, 20 and 22, and combination standard and coaxial contacts. Contact retention of these crimp snap-in contacts is provided by the Little Caesar rear release contact retention assembly. Environmental sealing is accomplished by wire sealing grommets and interfacial seals.
SGA connectors utilize all the signal cavity inserts and contacts featured in the ARINC Series 600 Standard connector. It was designed to be used where there are space constraints in which an ARINC Series 600 Standard connector cannot be used. The Cannon SGA connector fills the need for a 150 maximum contact connector with a smaller shell design than shell size 2 of ARINC Series 600 Standard, and has more contacts available than single gang DPX with 106, size 22, contacts.
电话: 0755 – 8305 0846 手机:186 8148 9117
传真: 0755 – 8303 5176
QQ: 2392507165 MSN:djj1217@
E-mail: sales807@
公司地址:广东省深圳市福田区福华路21号福侨大厦18E(华强北) 518033