4、不锈钢单头液晶显示,智能冲泡咖啡机,制作“港式奶茶”及咖啡的理想配备。 kitchenmarket@163.com Single SH BrewWISE® DBC BrewWISE Single Soft Heat® Brewer with Smart Funnel and Docking System Brews 11.4 gallons (43.2 litres) of perfect coffee per hour into portable servers. Brews .5, 1, or 1.5 gallon (1.9, 3.8 or 5.7 litre) batches. Stores inpidual coffee and ?avor pro?les using adjustable water volume, bypass percentage, pulse brew, and pre-infusion timing. Operate any combination of BrewWISE® equipment error-free with wireless brewer-grinder interface via Smart Funnel. Example: G92TA DBC. Reduce accidents with safety features that decrease hot splashes from funnel, eliminate brewing when funnel or server is not present.