博通 BCM20745 蓝牙3.0 音箱模块: BT3GMD-A30M
-- 基于ROM的解决方案–无需昂贵、累赘的外部存储器组件,就能实现更紧凑、更经济实惠的设计;
-- 远端回声和噪声消除–显著减轻了话音重叠问题,可使通话更清晰;
-- 内置语音识别技术–使设备制造商能在产品中支持语音指令,从而提升用户体验;
-- 增强的近端语音可懂度–自动为用户提高音频质量和音量;
-- 集成的多语言语音提示(在内置ROM中)–提高易用性,降低材料成本;
-- 集成的快速充电电源管理单元(PMU)–仅用几分钟就能给耳机再充电;
-- 高度可调的音频算法–可进一步实现产品的差别化,并能适应各种不同的产品外形尺寸,这种能力目前是业界独一无二的。
1 A2DP CODEC with the SBC technology which support the 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz, and 16 kHz
sampling Frequencies and support the Mono, Dual, Stereo, and Joint Stereo channel modes.2 Configurable seven-band speaker equalization as well as ten presets allowing multiple music
listening styles
3 High quality 96 dB SNR DAC with 44.1 and 48 kHz sample rates for high-fidelity playback
4 Single-chip Bluetooth 3.0 transceiver supporting Bluetooth 2.1 + Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) and Bluetooth 2.0, 1.2, and 1.1 backward compatibility5 Best-in-class Bluetooth radio with up to 8 dBm transmit power and -91dBm receive sensitivity
6 Support for side tone and digital microphones
7 Integrated SmartAudio® speech enhancement algorithms which can produce a clear voice .,
8 automatic volume control (AVC)
9 Switching regulator, battery charger, and power management unit
10 Supports fast charging, power dissipation monitoring, and optional charger voltage regulation
11 Dual high quality 8 kHz and 16 kHz audio MIC inputs
12 Multilanguage voice prompt
13 Voice command recognition
业界首创的、采用65纳米 CMOS制造工艺设计的立体声蓝牙单芯片系统解决方案