◆12V1A 10W足功率输出
◆低价格,高可靠性◆Low price and high reliability
◆105℃输出电容器◆105℃Output capacitor
◆全球适用AC输入电源◆AC input power suitable for the world
◆效率高,工作温度低◆High efficiency and low operation temperature
◆软启动电流、有效降低AC输入冲击◆Soft-start current can reduce the AC input impact effecticly
◆有短路保护、过载保护、过流保护◆With short-circuit and overload andOver-current protection
◆体积小、重量轻◆Compact size,light weight
◆100%满负荷烧机测试◆100% full-load bum-in test
◆内装EMI滤波器、纹波极小◆Installed wity EMI filter,minimum wave
产品规格详细描述: |
Unload input power 空载输入功率 | Output ripple & noise voltage/输出纹波及噪声电压 | Over current protection test/过电流测试 | Short-circuit protection test/短路保护测试 |
<0.3W | <100mV | 120-200% | 无损坏,可恢复 OK/NG |
Hi-pot test /介电强度 | Burn-IN TEST /老化测试 | Combine Regulation /综合调整率 | Operating Temperature/ 操作温度 |
3000VAc/5.0mA/ 1Minute | 4H at 35~40℃ | ±5 | 0℃to+40℃ |
Relative Humidity/ 湿度要求 | AVERAGE EFFICIENCY /平均效率 | EMI标准 | SAFETY STANDARD/安规标准 |
10%RH to 90%RH | >77.8 | CISRP 22/EN55022 CLASS B | IEC60950 EN60950 UL60950 |
本系列其它产品: | 中,美,欧,英,澳,等插头 3-48V DC线可选,功能价格可选 |
![](http://i02.c.aliimg.com/img/ibank/2011/833/575/324575338_1632169401.jpg )