) Topper 系列吸尘机是 Soteco 公司最新款式,我们公司是这一系列的 中国区总代理
2)Soteco 制造的吸尘器都是使用高品质的原材料,隔音效果一流;
3) Soteco 吸尘器的隔尘袋具有抗菌功能,采用独特的海绵体高效防尘设计,配备高效机身过滤尘隔及纸尘袋,不仅保证排放空气清洁环保,也能通过三重过滤,有效保护电机,保证电机长期稳定运作;
1) Topper series is the newest model from SOTECO,we are the Exclusive Agent for this series in China,
2) Topper Vacuum is made of high quality material, strong and durable,
3) Sound insulation effect is first-class,
4) Dust filters is antibacterial,
5) Topper motor are provided with new generation high speed single stage motors , which can work for 800 hours.