Multi-Media Format | Voice: MP3/WAV/AMR/AAC; Video:3GP,MPEG4,AVI,RMVB; Picture: JPEG/BMP/GIF; eBook: TXT, PDF, MS Office Word, PPT, Excel. ( Some formats may require additional apps support.) |
Language | Multi Language (Bahsa Indonesia, Bahsa Melayu, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Turkey, Russian, poliski, Hebrew,etc.) |
Additional Features | Calendar, Alarm clock, Calculator, MMS, 3D Music, Advanced App Killer, Aldiko eBook, Browser, Yahoo, Messenger, Calibrator, Camera, Car Home, Contacts, Desk Clock, eBuddy, Email, File Explorer, Face Book, Gallery, Gmail, Latitude, Maps, Market Place, Messaging , MSN Talk, Music Player, Navigation, Phone, Places, Robo Defence, Sound Recorder, Gtalk, Weather, ThinkFree Mobile, Twitter, Voice Mail, Voice Dialer, WikiMobile, Wireless Keyboard, YouTube, Facebook, MSN (Notice: The apps mentioned above may not all pre-installed. The end users can download apps from Android Market place.) |