2.1 AC输入 AC Input
2.1.1输入电压 Input Voltage
表格1 :列举AC输入电压范围,在此电压范围内,电源应正常工作并符合所有电气性能要求。
Table 1: Lists the AC input operating voltage range. The power shall work normally and meet all electrical requirements
throughout this range.
表格1:AC 输入电压限值 Table 1: AC Input Voltage Limitations
最小值Minimum | 额定值Nominal | 最大值Maximum |
100Vac | 110Vac/220Vac | 240Vac |
2.1.2输入频率 Input Frequency
表格2 :列举AC输入频率范围,在此频率范围内,电源应正常工作并符合所有电气性能要求。
Table 2: List the AC input operating frequency range. The power shall work normally and meet all electrical requirements
throughout this range.
Table 2: AC Input Frequency Limitations AC 输入频率限值
最小值Minimum | 额定值Nominal | 最大值Maximum |
47Hz | 50Hz/60Hz | 63Hz |
2.1.3冲击电流 Inrush Current
Peak inrush current shall be limited to 30A of rated input voltage and cold start at 25 degrees C, and shall not result in a
permanent damage of the power supply under any conditions of load and input voltage as specified at any input voltage as
specified in table 1.
2.1.4最大输入电流Input Current Limiting
The input current should be less than 0.7A, under minimum AC input and full load.
The power supply efficiency shall be greater than75% under rated input voltage. It will be measured at the typical load and
maximum load.
2.2输出规格Output Specification
2.2.1电压调整率DC Voltage Regulation
电压调整的限值不包括2.2.4节中要求的DC 负载瞬态变化。
The DC output voltages will remain within the regulation ranges shown in Table 5 when measured ate the load end of the output
The voltage regulation limits do not include the transient DC load changes, which are covered in Section 3.2.4.
表格3:输出电压调整限值 Table 3: DC Output voltage regulation limits
Parameter 参数 | Line Regulation 线性调整 | Load regulation 负载调整 | Cross regulation 交叉调整 |
V1:20 | ±5.0% | ±5.0% | N/A |
2.2.2输出电流DC Output Current
表格4:输出电流限值 Table4: DC output current limits
Parameter 参数 | Min Current 电流 | Rate Current 标称电流 | Max Current 最大电流 | Unit 单位 |
V1:20 | 0 | 1 | 1.2 | A |
2.2.3输出纹波与噪声Output Ripple and Noise
The following table 5 is output ripple and noise requirements, it will be met throughout the load ranges specified in Section
2.2.2 and under all input voltage conditions as specified Section 2.1.1, Measurements will be made with an oscilloscope set to
20MHz bandwidth limit. The outputs will be bypassed with one 0.1uF multilayer (type X7R) and one 10uF tantalum electrolytic
(low ESR) capacitors.
表格5:纹波与噪声限值 Table 5: Output ripples and noise limits
参数Parameter | 最大值Max. |
V1:20V | 200mVp-p@25 degrees C |
2.2.4输出动态负载响应 定电流模式 Output Dynamic Load Response CC model
输出电压在下列表格6定义的负载变化时,符合规格要求,负载变化率为0.1Amps/uS, 50Hz~10 KHz之间。
The output voltages will remain within specified regulation limit of the nominal set voltage for changes in load as specified
below under the following load steps defined below table 8. At a slew rate of 0.1Amps/uS between 50Hz to 10 KHz.
表格6:输出动态负载响应限值 Table6: Output dynamic load response limits
Dynamic Load 动态负载 | DC Voltage Regulation 电压调整率 |
50%~100%~50% | ±10% |
2.2.5电压过冲Overshoot at turn-on/ turn-off
Any overshoot at turn on or turn off shall be less than 10% of rated output voltage.
2.3保护功能Protection Function .
2.3.1短路保护Short Circuit Protection
An output short circuit is defined as any output impedance of less than 0.1 ohms. The power supply will protect without damage
to overseers of to the unit (components, connectors, etc) under the input conditions specified in Section 3.1 above.
2.3.2过流保护Over Current Protection
The power supply shall meet the limitation requirement as below table without any damage, the unit shall recover and function
automatically after the protection is removed.
表格 7: 过流保护限值 Table 7: Over Current Protection limits
参数Parameter | 最大值Max | 单位Unit |
V1:20V | 1.8 | A |
2.4.1保持时间Hold up Time
满载条件下,电源在100Vac/47Hz输入时,保持时间不小于5mS;110/220Vacc/50/60Hz 输入时,保持时间不小于10mS。
Hold-up time no less than 5mS at 100Vac/47Hz input and no less than 10mS at 110/220Vac/50/60Hz input, the output loading should
be set up with full load during the test.
2.4.2启动时间Start up Time
满载条件下,电源在100Vac/47Hz输入时,启动时间不大于3秒;110/220Vac/50/60Hz输入时,启动时间不大于3 秒。
Start up time no more than 3 seconds at 100Vac/47Hz input and no more than 2 seconds at 110/220Vac/50/60Hz, the output
loading should be set up with full load during the test.
3. 环境要求Environment Requirement
3.1 温度Temperature
工作环境温度: 0℃~ 40℃ Operating Ambient: 0℃~ 40℃
贮存环境温度: -10℃~ +85℃ Non-operating Ambient: -10℃~ +85℃
工作时: 25%~90%相对湿度(非冷凝)Operating: 25%~90% relative humidity (Non- condensing)
贮存时: 10%~90%相对湿度(非冷凝)Non-operating: 10%~90% relative humidity (Non- condensing)
工作时:2000米 Operating: 2000 meters
贮存时:2000米 Non-operating: 2000meters
4. 可靠性Reliability
4.1 平均无故障间隔时间MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217F)
25℃环境温度,满载条件,额定电压输入条件,平均无故障间隔时间≥50K 小时.
MTBF no less than 50K hours (25 degrees C, Full load and rated voltage input)
4.2 老化寿命测试Burn-in and Life test
Shall discuss with customer to make sure the power in house Burn-In and life test procedures.
5. 产品安规要求Product Safety Requirement
遵循IEC60950-1 要求.
Meet IEC60950-1 (information technology and similar electric apparatus -safety requirement) standard requirement.
5.2泄露电流Leakage Current
接触电流不得超过0.25mA (220Vac/50Hz).
Leakage current shall not exceed 0.25mA at 220Vac/50Hz.
5.3绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance
-Primary to Secondary: 20 Meg. Ohms min. 500VDC
5.4绝缘强度Dielectric Strength Testing
绝缘强度满足下表的要求,100% 在线产品执行此项测试,并每一项目至少保持3S时间,无任何故障。
Hi-pot test shall be met the table 8 requirements, an item listing this test as a 100% production test must be performed and be
maintained at that level for a minimum of 3 seconds without failure.
表8:耐压测试 Table 8: Hi-pot test
项目Item | 规格要求Specification | 备注Remark | |
输入-----输出 Primary to Secondary | 2KVac | <5mA | 无飞弧No arcing 无击穿No broken |
输入-----地 Primary to P.G | NC | NC |
6. 结构尺寸Mechanical Dimensions(单位:mm Unit:mm)
6.1 标贴 Label如下图
6.2结构尺寸Mechanical Dimensions