The country's first professional production of strong magnetic plate pumping sand iron boat manufacturer
产品介绍:Product introduction:
Strong magnetic magnet plate pumping sand boat is my company's latest research and development of a new type of iron machines, pumping sand suction by sand-excavating or pumping sand and river sand extraction, after more than by the row of strong magnetic and orderly arranged in strong magnetic board conveyor belt, adsorption iron sand, will be sent to the selected strong magnetic roller device, again selected purification, high purity iron sand is obtained. Strong magnetic magnet plate type ship has the characteristics of strong magnetic efficiency, automatic iron and magnet magnetic roller is ever ship out of the iron content of 4 times, greatly improving the production capacity, is popular among new and old customers. Mining machinery
Address; Shandong QingZhouShi Shandong province
Contact person; Tian manager
Contact phone number: 13721983393137081070
Machine; 0536-3538603
Fax: 0536-3538603
Website: www.qzsljx.com
Email address: qzznh@sina.cn
Production of large
Magnetic roller sand-excavating iron absorption is ever ship production more than four times
Low bad damage
Wearing parts for equipment is less, the basic no bad loss, quality
Save the human
铁砂→ 从河中抽出→经过强磁板精选→反向传送→到强磁辊吸铁设备进行二次精选→将沙子抽出传送到河岸的过程中仅需一名技术工人。Iron ore to pumped from the river, through the strong magnetic plate choice to reverse transmission, secondary to the strong magnetic magnet roller equipment selection and the sand out to the Banks of the river only a technical worker in the process.
4.铁质优 High quality iron
Iron ore after two strong magnetic device selection of iron powder purity is higher.
全自动收铁Automatic closed iron
advantages 1.Production of large 2.Low bad damage 3.only one technical worker 4.Iron powder of high precision 5.Automatic closed iron
After the company good processing equipment, container packaging shipped to Qingdao port, the ship delivery. From Qingdao port to the cost of the destination are not responsible for the company.