PLC控制型水平垂直燃烧试验仪 HVUL94
“福建-厦门PLC控制型水平燃烧试验仪价格”“ PLC控制型水平燃烧试验机十年品质厂家” 深圳广州PLC控制型水平燃烧试验仪,UL94PLC控制型水平燃烧试验仪,上海UL94PLC控制型水平燃烧试验仪[厂家直销] 控制方式:PLC人机界面操作,采用目前最先进的PLC控制,做到全智能化控制方式,真正实现网络化及远程控制;可做到客户的人性化操作界面的升级,真正达到国际比对结果。广州市智力通机电有限公司以成为格兰士、美的、格力、富士康、ITS、SGS、TUV南德、VDE、UL美华、BV必维华法、德凯、赛宝、CVC威凯、GRGT602优质供应商。 并获得IECEE国际电工委员会推荐,IECEE推荐供应商链接地址:/equipment-suppliers.html。 “开拓进取,质量第一,信誉第一”是我们十余年来经营的宗旨,是激励我们竭诚向客户提供更加优质的产品和售后服务的动力。
PLC控制型水平垂直燃烧试验利用标准规定尺寸的本生灯和特定燃气源 ( 甲烷或丙烷 ) ,按一定的火焰高度和一定的施焰角度对呈水平或垂直状态的试品定时施燃,根据点燃、灼热燃烧的持续时间和燃烧长度等来评定其可燃性及着火危险性。
PLC控制型HVUL94水平垂直燃烧试验仪主要针对 HB&V级(50W)和 5V级(500W)材料的可燃性进行定级评定。适用于照明设备、低压电器、家用电器、机床电器、电机、电动工具、电子仪器、电工仪表、电气连接件和辅件等电工电子产品及其组件部件的研究、生产和质检部门,也适用于绝缘材料、工程塑料或其它固体可燃材料行业。
型 号 | ZLT-HV50 | ZLT-HV500 | ZLT-HV1000 |
控制系统 | PLC+触摸屏(三菱PLC控制); | PLC+触摸屏(三菱PLC控制); | PLC+触摸屏(三菱PLC控制); |
功率 | 50W(V-0、V-1)) | 500W(5VA、5VB) | 1000W |
施焰时间 | 0~999.9S | 0~999.9S | 0~999.9S |
余焰时间 | 0~999.9S | 0~999.9S | 0~999.9S |
余灼时间 | 0~999.9S | 0~999.9S | 0~999.9S |
施焰次数 | 0~9999次 | 0~9999次 | 0~9999次 |
计时装置 | 9999X0.1s | 9999X0.1s | 9999X0.1s |
燃烧角度 | 0°、20°、45° | 0°、20°、45° | 0°、20°、45° |
火 焰 高 度 | 20±1mm(配火焰高度量规) | 40±2mm(配火焰高度量规) | 50~60㎜ |
测温距离 | 10±1mm | 55±1mm | 95㎜ |
喷灯标准 | IEC60695-11-4IEC60695-11-10 | IEC60695-11-3,IEC60695-11-20 | IEC60695-11-2 |
温度检测 | 上限1050℃ | 上限1050℃ | 上限1050℃ |
气 体流 量 | 105 ± 10 ml/min | 965±30ml/min | 650ml/min(丙烷)及10L/min(空气) |
水柱高度 | <10mm | 125±5mm | 配U型压差计 |
校验时间 | 44±2S | 54±2S | 45±5S |
热电偶 | K型,镍铬/镍铝丝 | K型,镍铬/镍铝丝 | K型,镍铬/镍铝丝 |
测温铜块 | Ф5.5mm±0.01m | Ф9mm±0.01m | Ф9mm±0.01m |
气体类别 | 甲烷(用户自备) | 甲烷(用户自备) | 丙烷(用户自备)与空气混合 |
箱体容积 | 大于0.75立方,内壁黑色,亮度小于20lx | 大于0.75立方,内壁黑色,亮度小于20lx | 大于1立方,内壁黑色,亮度小于20lx |
1.热电偶 :φ0.5 铠装镍铬/镍铝丝.(英国RS原装进口一套).
3. 积分式进气点火系统,燃烧延时仅0.1秒.
4. 箱体全不锈钢(1.2厚304不锈钢板).
Horizontal-Vertical Flame Chamber Tester
Product details:Model ZLT-UL94: The ZLT Horizontal-Vertical Flame Chamber Tester is a fully automatic instrument contained in its own cabinet to maximize the safety of the operator. It screening procedure for comparing the relative burning behaviour specimens made from plastic and other non-metallic materials ,exposed to a flame ignition source of 50W or 500W nominal power. These test methods determine the linear burning rate and the afterflame/afterglow times,as well as the damaged length of specimens.They are applicable to solid and cellular materials that have an apparent density of not less than 250kg/m3,determined in accordance with ISO845.Then do not apply to materials that shrink away from the applied flame without ignitiong;ISO9773 should be used for thin flexible materials. And it's the combustion test device of plastic materials represented by UL-94. It can perform each test of HB, V0 to V2, 5V and VTM, HBF.
Product three type: 50W、500W、50~500W mixed-type test equipment
Test Flame | 50W(burning test for V-0,V-1,V-2 classification) |
Burner Tube | Internal diameter: ф 9.5mm±0.3mm, length:100mm±10mm |
Burning Angle | 0°,20°,45° |
Thermocouple | Type K (Ni/Cr - Ni/Al) |
Thermocouple Size O/D | 0.5 mm |
Standard Copper Block | Ф5.5mm±0.01mm, weight:1.76g±0.01g before drilling. Cu-ETP |
Time for Temperature to Increase | From 100°C±5°C to 700°C±3°C; 44s±2s (preset) |
Overall Height | 18mm~22mm(adjustable) |
Gas Supply | methane,min.98% purity |
Flowmeter | 105ml/min±2% |
Manometer | 0KPa to 7.5KPa |
Input Power | 220 V 50 Hz 3A or 115 V 60Hz Optional |
Volume Of Chamber | >0.75m³, black interior |
Outer Dimensions | W*D*H=1100mm*550mm*1100mm |
Conform to standard | UL94,IEC60695-11-4,IEC60695-11-10 |
Fitted to the base plate are a flame height scale, a level and adjustable feet. | |
Includes: 50W Flame height gauge and 100% absorbent cotton
ZLT-UL94 of accessories
Test Flame | 500W(burning test for V-0,V-1,V-2 classification) |
Burner Tube | Internal diameter: ф 9.5mm±0.3mm, length:100mm±10mm |
Burning Angle | 0°,20°,45° |
Thermocouple | Type K (Ni/Cr - Ni/Al) |
Thermocouple Size O/D | 0.5 mm |
Standard Copper Block | Ф9mm±0.01mm, weight:10g±0.05g before drilling. Cu-ETP |
Time for Temperature to Increase | From 100°C±5°C to 700°C±3°C; 54s±2s (preset) |
Flowmeter | 965ml/min±2% |
Gas Supply | methane,min.98% purity |
Manometer | 0KPa to 7.5KPa |
Input Power | 220 V 50 Hz 3A or 115 V 60Hz Optional |
Volume Of Chamber | >0.75m³, black interior |
Outer Dimensions | W*D*H=1100mm*550mm*1100mm |
Conform to standard | UL94、IEC60695-11-3、IEC60695-11-20 |
Fitted to the base plate are a flame height scale, a level and adjustable feet. | |
Includes:500W Flame height gauge and 100% absorbent cotton