“福建-厦门PLC控制型灼热丝试验仪价格”“ PLC控制型灼热丝试验仪厂家” 深圳广州PLC控制型灼热丝,PLC控制型灼热丝试验仪,上海PLC控制型灼热丝试验仪[厂家直销] 控制方式:PLC人机界面操作,采用目前最先进的PLC控制,做到全智能化控制方式,真正实现网络化及远程控制;可做到客户的人性化操作界面的升级,真正达到国际比对结果。广州市智力通机电有限公司以成为格兰士、美的、格力、富士康、ITS、SGS、TUV南德、VDE、UL美华、BV必维华法、德凯、赛宝、CVC威凯、GRGT602优质供应商。 并获得IECEE国际电工委员会推荐,IECEE推荐供应商链接地址:/equipment-suppliers.html。 “开拓进取,质量第一,信誉第一”是我们十余年来经营的宗旨,是激励我们竭诚向客户提供更加优质的产品和售后服务的动力。
PLC控制型灼热丝试验仪将规定材质(Ni80/Cr20)和形状的电热丝(Φ4 mm的镍铬丝)用大电流加热至试验温度 ( 550 ℃ ~ 1000 ℃ 1min 后,以规定压力 (1.0N) 垂直灼烫试品 30s ,视试品和铺垫物是否起燃或持燃时间来测定电工电子设备成品的着火危险性;测定固体绝缘材料及其它固体可燃材料的起燃性、起燃温度 (GWIT) 、可燃性和可燃性指数 (GWFI) 。
● 工作电源:AC220V,50Hz,≤500W;
● 加热温度:500-1000°≤范围内连续可调,测温精度±10°C;
● 控制系统:PLC+触摸屏(三菱PLC控制);
● 驱动方式:电机驱动;
● 灼热时间:0.1-999.9s,±0.1S(时间范围可调);
● 起燃时间:0.1-999.9s,自动记录,手动暂停;
● 火焰熄灭时间:0.1-999.9s,自动记录,手动暂停;
● 灼热丝对试样压力:1±0.2N.(配砝码), 限压深度为7mm;
● 灼热丝为φ4镍(80%) 铬 (20%)按规定尺寸制成;
● 热电偶:φ0.5 铠装镍铬/镍铝丝,K分度,英国进口,对地绝缘;
● 自动脱离:试样达到规定灼热时间后,自动脱离灼热丝;
● 燃烧箱:宽×深×高 (1100×550×1150)mm(内部体积大于0.5立方,可订制作0.75立方、1立方);箱体内壁黑色,光照度小于20lx,箱体由1.2厚304不锈钢制作,燃烧箱与控制箱在同一箱体;
● 灼热丝到松木板距离可调,配接物盘一个、绢纸五张、松木板一件;
● 计时器及温控表采用进口仪表(奥托尼克斯),计量准确。
1.热电偶 :φ0.5 铠装镍铬/镍铝丝.(英国RS原装进口一套).
3. 积分式进气点火系统,燃烧延时仅0.1秒.
4. 箱体全不锈钢(1.2厚304不锈钢板).
Glow Wire Tester:
Product details :Model ZLT-GTR:
The device is designed to carry out fire hazard testing on electrotechnical products in accordance with the provisions of International standards.
The control unit is supplied with all the controls and metering necessary to accurately set the temperature of the glow wire. The wire current is continuously variable by means of the panel-mounted controller and is monitored by the built-in ammeter. A digital temperature indicator is fitted which, in conjunction with the thermocouple supplied, accurately measures the glow wire temperature. The electrical circuit of the control unit is fully protected by fuses and a miniature circuit breaker and incorporates mains on/off switching and push button control of the output current. Self contained cabinet with large viewing window and dark colored interior.
::::::::::::::::::Basic introduction::::::::::::
1.The device is designed to carry out fire hazard testing on electrotechnical products in accordance with the provisions of International standards.
2.The control unit is supplied with all the controls and metering necessary to accurately set the temperature of the glow wire. The wire current is continuously variable by means of the panel-mounted controller and is monitored by the built-in ammeter.
3.A digital temperature indicator is fitted which, in conjunction with the thermocouple supplied, accurately measures the glow wire temperature. The electrical circuit of the control unit is fully protected by fuses and a miniature circuit breaker and incorporates mains on/off switching and push button control of the output current. Self contained cabinet with large viewing window and dark colored interior.
::::::::::::Technical parameters::::::::::::
1, Glow wire temperature: 500 ~ 1000 °C± 2 °C continuous adjustable
2, Searing time: 0-999.9 s ± 0.1 s adjustable (usually selected for 30s)
3 Light-off time: 0-999.9 s ± 0.1 s, automatic recording, manual timeout
4, Fireouttime: 0-999.9 s ± 0.1 s, automatic recording, manual timeout
5.Glow Wire Element Ni/Cr wire, diameter: 4mm
6.Current Range: 0 to 200 A
7.Thermocouple: Type K (Ni/Cr - Ni/Al)
8.Thermocouple Size O/D: 0.5 mm
9.Temperature Resolution: 1ºC
10.Traverse Unit: Horizontal
11.Force: 1 N±0.2N
12.Maximum Travel : 14.5 cms
13.Test Travel Limit: 7 mm
14.Flame Height Indicator: 30 cms
15.Input Power: 220 V 50 Hz 3A or 115 V 60Hz Optional
16.Volume Of Chamber: >0.5m³, black interior
17.Outer Dimensions: W*D*H=1100mm*550mm*1100mm
18.Conform to standard: IEC60695-2-10,IEC60335-1,IEC60598-1,IEC60884,IEC60745
::::::::::::::::::Main place of origin or brand instruments Accessories::::::::::::::::::
1. thermocouples: φ0.5 Type K (Ni/Cr - Ni/Al). (UK RS imported).
2. digital instrument: the use of imported Korean autonics (Autonics) display. (temperature control table, counters, timers)
3. Integral inlet ignition system, combustion delay of only 0.1 seconds.
4. Box full of stainless steel (1.2 thick 304 stainless steel plate).
6. breakers:Schneider
7. button, switch, indicator: Shanghai Tin Yat
8. Wire: Guangzhou Wire.