(1)通过“进口可用作原料的固体废物检验检疫电子监管系统”生成并打印的注册登记申 请书
(5)按照已注册登记废物原料种类提交各年度的废物原料装运前检验证书和/或进口废物 原料检验检疫通关单复印件(各年度、各种类至少1份)。
AQSIQ renewal application
The following written materials shall be submitted for the renewal application:
a) The complete printed form of ”>as required in AQSIQ Notice No. 103 (2005);
b) Copy of the Company business registration document and/or tax return registration document;
c) Floor plan of the permanent office and processing plant with photos (more than 3 photos) and/or related video documents that can display the overall actual view of the places;
d) Copy of the original “Registration License”;
e) General description of the status of exporting scrap materials to China in the last 3 years (including the current year). The description shall include details such as scrap material types, quantity, weight, passing percentage rate of pre-shipment inspection, passing percentage rate of CIQ inspection at destination ports, major loading port at origin, destination port, other contents such as the reasons for not shipping specific types of scrap materials as registered on the license in a certain year etc.; at least one copy of the (CCIC certificate) and/or for each year for each registered type of scrap materials on the license should also be submitted.