1.概述 文件描述的是由数码部提供的可再充电锂圆柱电池的产品规格书. 2.型号 :14650 3.电芯规格
4.电池标准性能 4.1外观 电池将不会出现这样的缺陷,比如:刮痕,裂纹,爆炸和漏液 4.2标准环境测试条件 除非有其他说明, 产品规格书里提到的所有测试都在下面条件下进行: 温度 : 23 ± 5 °C 相对湿度: 65 ± 20%
4.5 Standard of a pair of cells(Lay aside period is 30 days) a) The balance of two cells’ open Voltage is less then 50mV. 电芯的开路端电压差:≤50mV。 b) The balance of two cells’ impedance is less then 5 mΩ. 电芯的内阻差异:5mΩ。(配对前测的内阻差,按表3.1项目7的方法测得其内阻) c) During discharge period with same discharge conditions, at anytime, the difference of two cells’ capacities is less then 50mAh. 放电容量:在相同标准负载放电,相同时间点及相同标准测试环境条件下两者的容量差异不大于50mAh. Guide: To make sure the best index of paring the cell, we suggest that the ‘lay side’ period of cell must achieve the normal ‘lay aside’ period more than 30 days, charging capacity reach between 25~33%. The follow information is the parameter performance index of per phase of ‘lay aside’ period (if ‘lay aside’ period doesn’t reach more than 30 days, shipment will be based on the related lay aside days). 提 示:为确保电芯的配对达到最佳指标,供方建议电芯的搁置期须确保达到标准搁置期30天以上,充电电量在25—33%。以下是各阶段搁置期电芯配对参数性能指标(搁置期未达到30天以上的按以下相应搁置天数配对要求出货)。 4.5.1Request of paring cells (20 to 30 days) 搁置期20---30天配对电芯要求 a) The balance of open voltage: 55mV. b) Balance between impedance: 5mΩ.(The balance before paring, please refer to 3.1 item 6 to measure). c) Discharging capacity: During discharge period with the same discharge conditions, at anytime, the difference of two cells’ capacities is less then 55mAh. a)电芯的开路端电压差:55mV。 b)电芯的内阻差异:5mΩ。(配对前测的内阻差,按表3.1项目7的方法测得其内阻) c)放电容量:在相同标准负载放电,相同时间点及相同标准测试环境条件下两者的容量差异不大于55mAh. 4.5.2Request of paring cells (10 to 19 days) 搁置期10---19天 a) The balance of open voltage: 60mV. b) Balance between impedance: 5mΩ.(The balance before paring, please refer to 3.1 item 6 to measure) c) Discharging capacity: During discharge period with same discharge conditions, at anytime, the difference of two
cells’ capacities is less then 60mAh. a)电芯的开路端电压差:60mV。 b)电芯的内阻差异:5mΩ。(配对前测的内阻差,按表3.1项目7的方法测得其内阻) c)放电容量:在相同标准负载放电,相同时间点及相同标准测试环境条件下两者的容量差异不大于60mAh. 4.5.3Request of paring cells (less than 10 days) 搁置期10天以下 a) The balance of open voltage: 75mV. b) Balance between impedance: 8mΩ.(The balance before paring, please refer to 3.1 item 6 to measure)
5.安全性能 电池的安全性能是根据UL1642标准要求制定.产品的安全特性与UL1642的要求是一致的.UL1642的标准符合客户要求.
6.存储 6.1贮存条件 长期贮存的电芯(超过3个月)须置于干燥、凉爽处。贮存电压为3.6V~3.9V且贮存环境如下: 温度 : 23 ± 5 °C 相对湿度: 65 ± 20% 6.2其他事项 任何本规格书中未提及的事项,需要经双方协商确定
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