侦查阶段:为犯罪嫌疑人提供法律帮助、代理申诉、代为申请取保候审;审查起诉阶段:查阅、复印案件法律文书,调查、收集有关证据,沟通起诉及辩 护意见;审判阶段:出庭辩护、申请调取新的证据、提起上诉等。The Legal Affairs on CriminalStage of criminal investigation: providing legal services for criminal suspect, acting as agent for the appeal , application for bail pending trial.Stage of examination and litigation: reviewing and copying legal documents on case, investigating and collecting relating new evidences, communicating the opinions on litigation .Stage of judgment: defending the client in the law court, applying for investigation of the court, or collecting new evidences, filing an appeal.