![](http://i04.c.aliimg.com/img/ibank/2013/381/659/763956183_318324094.jpg )
采用日本konica公司的KM1024喷头.14PL墨滴,最高打印精度可达720*1440dpi,八喷头配置(双四色), 相当于十六只KM512MH喷头,打印效率再翻一倍,2PASS最高速度可达150m2/h。 Printhead characteristics:Adopt the advanced Japanese New Konica UVSpecialized head.1024 nozzels double staggered . built-in temperature control system.rea printing resolution up to 1440dpi.with 8heads of dual cmyk is equal to16pcs of KM512MH.double efficiency!And point of purchase at a maximum 2 pass print speed of up to 150m2/hr 1.自动测距,能准确地测量介质厚度 2.介质气浮功能,吸附/气浮切换操作简单 3.分色压墨功能,节省UV墨水 4.墨水保护功能,在主墨罐加墨时保持副墨罐的负压 1.Auto-ranging, can accurately measure the dielectric thickness 2.Media flotation function, adsorption / flotation switching operation 3.Separations pressure ductile save the UV inks 4.To maintain the negative pressure of the sub-ink tank ink protection