北岸家具 钢化玻璃日式简约现代圆形几桌 欧式时尚个性创意茶几C1
品牌推荐:品味时尚,品质之选!相信品牌的力量!工艺虽繁不省人工,材料虽贵不用伪劣! Recommended brands: taste of fashion, quality choice! I believe the strength of the brand! Process, although complex not the province of labor, material, although you do not shoddy!
简约大碗造型,简约时尚!!! A款茶几的“大肚子”还可以塞放很多不常用的杂物哦!很多人问这宝贝能站稳吗?呵呵,它的底是平的,超稳!但是它的线条设计又给人视觉上的错觉它是圆圆的不倒翁式的底,这恰恰就是设计师功力所在咯!
Simple bowl shape, simple and stylish! ! a coffee table "pregnant" can also put a lot of common debris to plug! Many people have asked this baby can stand? Oh, it's the bottom is flat, ultra-stable Line design also gives the visual illusion of it round the bottom of the tumbler type, this is precisely what the designers skill where slightly