岩棉制品| Rocd wool products
产品特点及优势| Features and advantages of products
性能指标| Technical specification
技术性能Specification | 技术指标Index | 备注Note |
导热系数Heat conduct coefficient W/(m·k) | 0.030-0.044 | 常温Normal temperature |
渣球含量Slag inclusion content%(Granule dia>0.25mm) | <12 | 符合Tally with GB11835-98 |
不燃性Incombustibillty | A | 符合Tally with GB5464 |
纤维直径Fibre dia.(u) | 4-7 |
工作温度Service temp.(℃) | 268-600 |
酸度系数Acidity coefficient | ≥1.5 | SiO2+AlO2 CaO+MgO |
吸湿率 Moistrre rate(%) | <5 | 符合Tally with GB11835-98 |
密度公差Density tolerance(%) | ±10 |
树脂含量Resin content | 岩棉板Rock wool board≯3 | 符合Tally with GB11835-98 |
岩棉毡Rock wool felt≯1 | ||
岩棉管Rock wool pipe≯3.5 | ||
憎水率Hydrophobicity(%) | >98 | 符合Tally with GB5480 |
The products have higher strength and better elasticity.The folded rock wool board with certain compression resistance hasgreater drawing strength,and it does not tend to peel off and has greatly improved durability.
应用| Application
Elastic mid-strength rock wool board:used for heat preservation,fireproofing and sound absorption for the building wall/roof,such as curtain wall,inner wall partition and elevator hoistway ,etc.
High-strength rock wool board:used for various high/low tenperature conditions,with good weight-bearing ability and conpression-resistance,specially suitable for heat preservation and heat insula-tion for large ships ,tands,ovens, pipelines and other industrial facilities.
Compression-resistant rock wool board;used for roof heat preservation of airport lounge and large workshop as it corld bear huge loads.
岩棉毡| Rock wool products