产品介绍乐泰3513LOCTITE3513? is a single component, epoxy adhesive designed foruse as a reworkable underfill resin for CSP(FBGA) or BGA. Itcures rapidly on exposure to heat. It is designed to giveexcellent protection from failure due to mechanical stress. Thelow viscosity allows filling in gaps under CSP or BGA.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONLOCTITE 3220 provides the following product characteristics:乐泰3220产品属性LOCTITE3513? provides the following product characteristics:Technology Epoxy Chemical Type EpoxyAppearance Opaque cream yellow liquidLMSCure Heat cure3513? provides the following product characteristics:Technology EpoxyChemical Type EpoxyAppearance Opaque cream yellow liquidLMSCure Heat cureCure Benefit Production - high speed curingApplication UnderfillSpecific Application Reworkable underfill for CSP (FBGA)or BGA 汉高乐泰3513胶水Cure Benefit Production - high speed curingApplication UnderfillSpecific Application Reworkable underfill for CSP (FBGA)or BGA 乐泰3220胶水其他说明LOCTITE3513 乐泰3513胶水Note: With all fast cure systems, the time required for curedepends on the rate of heating. Conditions where a hot plateor heat sink is used are optimum for fastest cure. Cure ratesdepend on the mass of material to be heated and intimatecontact with the heat source. Use suggested cure conditionsas general guidelines. Other cure conditions may yieldsatisfactory results.交易说明广东省内可货到付款,接受大批量订购