一、钼系列产品Molybdenum Products:
1.钼板坯Molybdenum Slabs
密度Density:≥9.8g/cm3 规格Size:(≥12)mm×(≥45)mm×(≥130)mm
用途:用于轧制钼板、钼箔、冲制钼圆片等原料。Used for rolling molybdenum plates、sheets、foil,punching molybdenum discs ,etc.
2.钼棒坯Molybdenum rod billets
纯度Purity:Mo≥99.95%. 密度Density:≥9.8g/cm3
用途:用作锻造棒或锻打钼杆的原料,或做高温窑炉的耐高温支架等。Used as raw material for forging rod and polished rod.
3.钼片/板Molybdenum sheets and plates
纯度Purity:Mo≥99.95% 密度Density:≥10.1g/cm3
规格Size:0.1--0.25mm(厚度thickness)≤300mm(宽度width)≤ 2000mm(长度length)
In below 2.0mm thickness ,we will supply rolling surface.Above 2.0mm,according to customer's requirement. For producing lighting and electric vacuum devices, power semiconductor devices,heatshield and heat bodies in high temperature furnace.
4.钼棒/杆 Molybdenum rods
纯度Purity:≥99.95%密度Density:≥10.1g/cm3 规格Size:Diameter 0.8--360mm 长度根据单重确定Thelengthisdetermined according to its weight.
可根据用户要求提供锻造、磨光态钼棒.用途:适用于稀土工业的电极,电子行业的电光源和电真空器件,高温领域的发热体和结构零件。We can provide molybdenum rod of forging surfaceand polished surface.Suitable for rare earth industry and electric industry.
5.钼坩埚 Molybdenum crucible
纯度Purity:≥99.95% 密度Density:≥10.1g/cm3
可根据客户要求加工订制各种规格尺寸钼坩埚,并通过机械加工满足用户的高精度要求。主要用于稀土金属冶炼等用,作高温容器.Molybdenum crucible suitfor crystal growth and rare-earth melting with its high temperature resistance,low pollution and other good characteristics.
6.钼异型件Molybdenum Special Shape Products
二、钨系列产品Tungsten Products:
1.钨板坯Tungsten Slabs
用途:适用于轧制钨板、钨片的坯料。Used for rolling tungsten plate,sheets,tungstenfoil,punching tungsten disk etc.
2.钨棒坯 Tungsten rod billets
纯度Purity:Mo≥99.95% 密度Density:≥18.0g/cm3
Used as raw material for tungsten forging rod and tungsten polished rod.and the support ofhigh-temperaturefurnace.
3.钨棒/杆 Tungsten rods
纯度Purity:≥99.95%密度Density:≥19.1g/cm3规格Size:0.8--360 mm
长度根据单重确定。用途:主要用于稀土金属行业作钨阴极,高温发热体和电光源、电真空零件。Thelengthisdetermined according to its weight.Suitable for rare earth industry and electric industry.
4.钨片、板 Tungsten sheets and plates
钨含量Purity:≥99.95% 密度Density:≥19.1g/cm3
用途:适用于制造电光源和电真空零件,高温炉的隔热屏和发热体。Used for producing electric light source parts and electric vacuum components,heat shield and heat bodies in high temperature furnace.
5.钨坩埚Tungsten crucible
依据客户要求或依照图纸加工。用途:适用于晶体生长和稀土熔炼。The specification according to the requests of customers.Tungsten crucible is mainly used forgrowing crystal and melting rare earth.
6.钨异型件TungstenSpecial Shape Products
Alloy products:
1.TZM合金 TZM Alloy
可以根据用户规格要求,以板材、棒材、方块等型材提供。It has a higher recrystallization temperature, higher creep strength and higher tensile strength than pure molybdenum..All kinds of TZM rods and TZM plates are available.
2.钼镧合金Mo-La Alloy
微量的氧化镧的加入极大地改善了钼的力学性能,具有优良的强韧性。因此用常规方法生产的板、带、管、棒型材在电子管、电光源、金属加工工具及涡轮盘等部件中得到广泛应用。Lanthanum molybdenum products (Mo La), such asrod, sheet, plateis available.The traces of the lanthanide oxide tobeadded, greatly improvedmolybdenum mechanics performance,excellent toughness.Widely usedas component inelectron tube,electric light source,metal machining tools,turbine disk etc.
钨钼合金由于高温强度好,性能与钨相近而比重比钨小,所以可用作相应的高温条件下火箭、导弹中的高温构件、电子管的灯丝、零件以及其他高温材料。可制取棒、板、丝或其他型材。Tungsten molybdenum products (Mo W), such asrod, sheet, plateis available.
Have a high temperature strength,used ashigh-temperature materials in spaceflightareas,electronicareas ect.
Besides certainY2O3,and the traces of thepotassiumtobeadded. Compared with the pure molybdenum,Mo-YtAlloy has not only higherrecrystallization temperaturebut also agoodstructureofrecrystallization organization.
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手机:15538827267张女士 邮箱:lytjnr@
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