本公司供应圣旋1GQN-150土壤耕整机质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。电话:18763617109 QQ:2418068876 联系人:李女士
1GQN-160旋耕机采用中间齿轮传动结构,是为30-40马力拖拉机 配套的耕作机械。该机采用宽耕幅、对称悬挂使轮迹全部覆盖。该机质量可靠,性能优良,能适合旱地和水田操作。有抢农时、省劳力、作业质量高、成本低等特点。
1GQN-160 rorary tillert with middle geat transmission,it can be mounted with the tractor 30-40hp.We can’t see the wheel tracks on the soil after it worked.The quality of the rotary tiller is good and the function very well.It is suited to dry land and paddy field.It can save time,labour and money etc.strong point.
1GQN/1GN-160 主要技术指标