深圳市汉润电子有限公司 特价安捷伦11940A 磁场探头一条现货出售,13510351836李川
安捷伦惠普11940A关闭场探头设置30兆赫 - 1 GHz的
分类 : 传感器,探头,与头
HP / Agilent 制造商 : 惠普/安捷伦
11940A 产品编号 :11940A
11940A性能描述 :安捷伦11940A探头设置是专门设计用来测量磁场辐射。
30 MHz to 1 GHz频率范围:30 MHz至1 GHz
0.5 W最大输入功率:0.5瓦
介电击穿:± 1 dB,典型值
- High level of electric field rejection
- Allows calibrated and repeatable measurements
- Maximum Input Power: 0.5 watts
- Temperature Range: Variation over 0° C to +40° C
- Dielectric Breakdown: ±1 kV, typical
- Connector Type: SMA, replaceable barrel
- VSWR:< 3:1, typical
- Antenna Factor Accuracy: Inpidually calibrated to within ±2 dB in a 377 ohm field impedance
The Agilent 11940A is a hand-held probe specially designed to measure magnetic field radiation from surface currents, slots, cable, and ICs for EMC diagnostic and troubleshooting measurements. Its unique design results in a high level of electric field rejection. This significantly reduces errors allowing calibrated and repeatable measurements. Each probe is calibrated and comes with a two-meter, RG-223 coaxial cable, an SMA (f) to Type-N (m) adapter, and an SMA (f) to BNC (m) adapter