3M7403抛光机是小型、轻量、便携式的抛光机。对于面漆打磨修补后的砂痕进行抛光。因为衬垫的直径只有75MM,所以能够做一些小范围的修补工作。配件为:3M圆盘托盘。托盘表面没有螺纹口,与相关零件通过螺栓简单的安装在一起。在研磨机的侧面有螺纹孔,能附加使用有1/4in-20螺杆的抛光机。重量0.375(kg) 空载转速2500(r/min)
3M 7403 polishing machine
3M7403 portable polishing machine. Trizac for the use of polished sand-chip mark after grinding to polishing. Because the diameter of the liner is only 75mm (3in), they were able to make some small-scale repair work.
Rotating the direction of its products to a number of uses the weight of the number pad diameter
2500 one-way transfer 3m7403 / min 750g 75mm (3in) polished finish sand after repair to polishing marks
3M7403抛光机是小型、轻量、便携式的抛光机。对于面漆打磨修补后的砂痕进行抛光。因为衬垫的直径只有75MM,所以能够做一些小范围的修补工作。配件为:3M圆盘托盘。托盘表面没有螺纹口,与相关零件通过螺栓简单的安装在一起。在研磨机的侧面有螺纹孔,能附加使用有1/4in-20螺杆的抛光机。重量0.375(kg) 空载转速2500(r/min)
3M 7403 polishing machine
3M7403 portable polishing machine. Trizac for the use of polished sand-chip mark after grinding to polishing. Because the diameter of the liner is only 75mm (3in), they were able to make some small-scale repair work.
Rotating the direction of its products to a number of uses the weight of the number pad diameter
2500 one-way transfer 3m7403 / min 750g 75mm (3in) polished finish sand after repair to polishing marks