(含WL/T发射机 和 WR接收机)
For almost half a century Azden Corporation has been creating technologically advanced products. Our engineers use the latest in design and tooling technologies to create products, which are built to exceed our specifications, and to last well.Started as an OEM manufacturer for most of the world’s best-known quality brand names, in the past 18 years we’ve created our own brand identity, and a reputation for quality, integrity, and service.Today’s product line, as shown in this catalog, reflects the breadth of our microphone lineup. Whether you’re a Broadcast professional, an Event Videographer, a Sound Contractor, there’s an Azden microphone to fill your need。
类型 |
FM |
频率 |
F1:203.000MHz(中国专用) |
F2:203.300MHz(中国专用) |
灵感度 |
94dB SPL +/-2.5kHz 偏差 |
重量 |
98g |
尺寸 |
80(h) x 60(w) x 21.5(d) mm |
消耗功率 |
30mA |
电池 1节9V 碱性电池 |
1节9V 碱性电池 |
频率 |
F1:187.550MHz(将变为169.445MHz) |
F2:187.900MHz(将变为170.245MHz) |
灵感度 |
2μV at S/N 40dB |
电池 |
1节9V 碱性电池 |
麦克输出阻抗 |
300Ω |
Monitor Out put |
1v at 30Ω |
频率: 1kHz,偏差: +/-7kHz |
Microphone Out put |
8mV w/10KW 负荷, |
频率: 1kHz, 偏差: +/-7kHz |
重量 |
128g |
尺寸 |
86(h) x 60(w) x 21.5(d) mm |
消耗功率 25mA |
25mA |