Polyglykol B11/30
random Ethyleneoxid/Propyleneoxid-Copolymer-Monobutylether
CH3CH2CH2CH2(OCH2CH2)n(OCH2CHCH3)mOH MW=1000 g/mol, n:m = 1:1
CAS-Nr.: 9038-95-3
Product properties*)
Polyglykol B11/30 is a clear neutral viscous liquid at room temperature. Polyglykol B11/30 can be supplied in tank trucks, steel drums or 1-t-containers. Its ether groups as well as the ethyleneoxid/propyleneoxid ratio and the hydroxy end group mainly control the physical and chemical properties of Polyglykol B11/30. Therefore Polyglykol B11/30 is soluble in water and polar organic solvents like aceton or methanol at room temperature. Polyglykol B11/30 is insoluble in pure hydrocarbons.. The cloud point of Polyglykol B11/30 is 58°C. Polyglykol B11/30 displays a very low solidification point of –50°C and no evaporation loss even at temperatures as high as 100°C.
Product data*)
water content (DIN 51777)
% w/w
max. 0,5
colour index [APHA] (EN 1557)
max. 80
pH (10% w/w in water) (DIN EN 1262)
4,0 – 7,0
Cloud point (1-% w/w in water)
ca. 58
molecular weight
about 1000
pour point (ISO 3016)
about –50
density at 20°C (DIN 51757)
1.025 – 1.045
refractive index at 20°C (DIN 51423, Part 2)
about 1.457
viscosity at 50°C (DIN 51562)
about 30
viscosity at 40°C (DIN 51562)
43 -48
viscosity index (DIN ISO 2909)
min 210
flash point (DIN 51376)
ignition temperature (DIN 51794)
This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. It should not therefore be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application. Any existing industrial property rights must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our General Conditions of Sale.
*)These characteristics are for guidance only and
Based on their physical and chemical characteristics B11-type polyglycols are used for a wide variety of applications.
Fields of industrial application:
-Base oil component for high performance lubricants with low friction coefficients, excellent wear properties and good thermal stability
-Lubricant for high preasure compressors -Water soluble, lubricating component of metalworking fluids-Component of auxiliaries for leather and textile
processing -Cosmetic formulations -Defoamer for food and non-food applications -Reactive alkohol component in chemical reactions -Solvent and humectant for dyes and inks -Heat transfer medium
When stored in a cold, dry place in a closed container Polyglykol B11/30 can be kept for at least two years.