3M 05705双面黄色羊毛球的详细信息
3M 05705双面黄色羊毛球产品描述: 3M #5705抛光轮,专用于抛光与上腊。专利软质纤维,漆面达到超高亮度,二面式设计、寿命长、省钱、弹性佳,适于任何漆面。重量轻、操作方便、平衡度佳、操作迅速。使用转速在1500转至2500转(每分钟)之打腊机。使用前须修整羊毛。
3M™ 5705 Superbuff. 200mm diameter, double sided with 5/8" whit thread. This buff is an acrylic blend and suits polishes and glazes for a fine finish.
The Superbuff buffing pad has a unique double face construction for utilizing both sides of the pad. It has its own lightweight, built-in support system eliminating the need for heavy back-up pads. The soft usable edge allows you to get into hard-to-reach areas. Edge burn is practically eliminated.