状态还有效 |
类别PCB插座头 |
系列43045 |
应用Power, 线对板 |
注解"High Temperature, Square Pin, Solder Type
This Molex product is manufactured from material that has the following ratings, tested by independent agencies: a) A Glow Wire Ignition Temperature (GWIT) of at least 775 deg C per IEC 60695-2-13. b) A Glow Wire Flammability Index (GWFI) above 850 deg C per IEC 60695-2-12.and hence complies with the requirements set out in the International Standard IEC 60335-1 5th edition - household and similar electrical appliances - safety, section 30 Resistance to heat and fire.
The customers using this product must determine its suitability for use in their particular application through testing or other acceptable means as described in end-product glow-wire flammability test standard IEC 60695-2-11 and any applicable product end-use standard(s). If it is determined during the customer’s evaluation of suitability, that higher performance is required, please contact Molex for possible product options." |
概述Micro-Fit 3.0™ Connectors |
Product Literature Order No987650-5984 |
产品名称Micro-Fit 3.0™ |
UPC800754369985 |
断开否 |
电路数(已装入的)2 |
电路数(最多的)2 |
颜色-树脂黑色 |
耐用性(插拔次数) - 最多次数30 |
阻燃性94V-0 |
满足欧洲Glow-Wire标准是 |
插配高度10.29mm |
材料-金属黄铜 |
材料-接合处电镀锡 |
材料-终端电镀锡 |
材料-树脂高温热塑型塑料 |
Net Weight0.608/g |
行数2 |
方向直角 |
PCB 定位器是 |
PCB 保持力是 |
PC厚度:推荐1.60mm |
包装形式卷上凹盒带状 |
间距-接合界面3.00mm |
最薄镀层 - 接合部位2.540µm |
最小镀层:端接2.540µm |
PCB 极性是 |
有护墙的全部 |
可堆叠的否 |
穿孔式表面焊接(SMC)无 |
运行温度范围-40°C to +105°C |
终端界面:类型表面贴装 |
每触点最大电流5A |
电压 -最大250V |
Agency Certification
CSALR19980 |
TUVR72081037 |
ULE29179 |
Duration at Max. Process Temperature (seconds)30 |
无铅工艺能力可以回流焊(仅限SMT) |
Max. Cycles at Max. Process Temperature3 |
Process Temperature max. C260 |
产品规格PS-43045, RPS-43045-003, RPS-43045-004 |
销售用图纸SD-43045-004 |
测试总结TS-43045-001 |