JBK5系列机床控制变压器 JBK5 Series machine tool controlling transformer 用途/Purpose JBK5系列机床控制变压器是我厂吸收国内外同类产品的优点,结合我厂多年积累的丰富的变压器制造技术而研制开发的新一代产品。该产品采用高导磁材料制造,硅钢片之间、底板与硅钢片之间的联结用气体保护氩弧焊形成了一个整体;底板采用防蚀合金材料,提高了接地可靠性;接线端子采用组合式结构,不仅增加了电气间隙和爬电距离,而且提高了接线的密集程度,防护等级达到了IP20,可防止偶尔触及电路的危险。该产品适用于交流50/60HZ、输入电压不超过400V、输出额定电压不超过660V的电路中,可作为各行业机械设备的一般电器控制电源,工作照明和信号灯的电源。 产品符合JB5555和GB/T5226.1以及VDEO551、IEC439、IEC204-1等标准,可与国外同类产品互换使用。 JBK5 series machine tool controlling transformers are new-generation products which are developed on the basis of absorbing advantages of similar products at home and abroad and combining abundant transformer manufacturing techniques accumulated by us.The product is made of high magnetic conductive material.The jointing between silicon steel sheets and the jointing between a bottom plate and the silicon steel sheets are integrating by gas shielded argon arc welding.Employing anticorrosion alloy material,the bottom plate enhanced the reliability of grounding.The connecting terminals apply combined structure,not only increasing clearance and creepage distance,but improving the intensive degree of connections,with a defense grade of IP20,preventing the danger of electric shock occasionally.The products are applicable to circuits with alternating current,50/60HZ,input voltage less than 400V and rating output voltage less than 660V and can be used as control power supplies for general electrical equipments of mechanical equipments in various industries and power supplies for work lights and signal lamps.The products meet the standards of JB5555,GB/T5226.1,VDEO551,IEC439,IEC204-1,etc.,and can be interchanged with similar products abroad for use. 图示/Praphical representation 

JBK5系列机床控制变压器主要技术参数(有CE认证,其中图1规格有ROHS环保认证) Major technological parameters of JBK5 series machine tools controlling transformers (awarded CE Security Certificate,model of Graph 1 was awarded ROHS Environmental Protection Certificate) NO. | 型号容量 Model power | 外形尺寸/exterior size | 安装尺寸/installation size | 孔/aperture | 图号 chart number | 长 B max Length | 宽 D max width | 高 E max High | 长 A length | 宽 C width | K×L | 1 | JBK5-40/63 | 78 | 75 | 92 | 56±0.15 | 46±0.125 | 4.8 | 图 1 Chart 1 | 2 | JBK5-100 | 84 | 90 | 98 | 64±0.15 | 62±0.15 | 4.8 | 3 | JBK5-160 | 96 | 90 | 108 | 84±0.175 | 73.5±0.15 | 5.8 | 4 | JBK5-250 | 96 | 102 | 108 | 84±0.175 | 85±0.175 | 5.8 | 5 | JBK5-400 | 120 | 105 | 125 | 90±0.175 | 85±0.175 | 7 | 6 | JBK5-500 | 120 | 120 | 125 | 90±0.175 | 98±0.175 | 7 | 7 | JBK5-630 | 150 | 110 | 150 | 122±0.2 | 90±0.175 | 7 | 8 | JBK5-800 | 150 | 125 | 150 | 122±0.2 | 105±0.2 | 7 | 9 | JBK5-1000矮(short) | 150 | 150 | 150 | 122±0.2 | 130±0.2 | 7 | 10 | JBK5-1000标(norm) | 168 | 130 | 160 | 138±0.2 | 105±0.2 | 7 | 11 | JBK5-1600 | 168 | 145 | 160 | 138±0.2 | 116±0.2 | 7 | 12 | JBK5-2000 | 180 | 155 | 170 | 150±0.2 | 130±0.2 | 9 | 13 | JBK5-2500 | 192 | 170 | 190 | 150±1 | 130±1 | 9 | 14 | JBK5-3000 | 192 | 185 | 190 | 150±1 | 145±1 | 9 | 15 | JBK5-3500 | 228 | 175 | 220 | 180±1 | 125±1 | 9 | 16 | JBK5-4000 | 228 | 180 | 220 | 180±1 | 130±1 | 9 | 17 | JBK5-5000 | 228 | 190 | 220 | 180±1 | 140±1 | 9 | 18 | JBK5-6000 | 264 | 190 | 250 | 200±1 | 140±1 | 9 | 19 | JBK5-7000 | 264 | 200 | 250 | 200±1 | 150±1 | 9 | 20 | JBK5-8000 | 264 | 205 | 250 | 200±1 | 155±1 | 9 | 21 | JBK5-1000 | 150 | 215 | 150 | 126±2 | 152±2 | 7 | 图 2 Chart 2 | 22 | JBK5-1600 | 176 | 235 | 160 | 146±2 | 176±2 | 7 | 23 | JBK5-2500 | 200 | 258 | 170 | 174±2 | 200±2 | 7 | 24 | JBK5-3000 | 200 | 258 | 170 | 174±2 | 200±2 | 7 | 25 | JBK5-3500 | 200 | 258 | 180 | 174±2 | 200±2 | 7 | 26 | JBK5-4000 | 240 | 200 | 325 | 120 | 120 | 10×20 | 图 3 Chart 3 | 27 | JBK5-5000 | 240 | 220 | 340 | 120 | 130 | 10×20 | 28 | JBK5-6000 | 240 | 240 | 340 | 120 | 140 | 10×20 | 29 | JBK5-6500 | 300 | 230 | 360 | 170 | 135 | 10×20 | 30 | JBK5-7000 | 300 | 240 | 360 | 170 | 140 | 10×20 | 31 | JBK5-8000 | 300 | 250 | 360 | 170 | 150 | 10×20 |
型号容量 model power | 空载 损耗 (W) no-load loss | 效率 (%) efficiency | 负载下的输出电压 output voltage with load | 空载输出电压 no-load output voltage | 额定输入电压 (V) rated input voltage | 额定输出电压 (V) rated output voltage | 信号绕组(V) signal winding | 控制绕组(V) control winding | 信号绕组(V) signal winding | 控制绕组(V) control winding | JBK5-40/63VA | 7 | 80 | 6≥Um>5 12≥Um>10 | 95%~105% UH | 6或12 6 or 12 | 1.1Um | AC380±5% AC220±5% 其他 根据客户需求 Others, according to the customer′s needs | AC380 220 127 110 36 24 12 6 其他 根据客户要求 Others, according to the customer′s needs | JBK5-100VA | 9 | JBK5-160VA | 12 | 85 | JBK5-250VA | 15 | JBK5-400VA | 15 | JBK5-500VA | 16 | JBK5-630VA | 16 | JBK5-800VA | 18 | 90 | JBK5-1000VA | 20 | JBK5-1600VA | 30 | 6≥Um>4.5 12≥Um>9 | JBK5-2000VA | 40 | JBK5-2500VA | 50 | JBK5-3000VA | 60 | JBK5-3500VA | 70 |
1.产品尺寸仅供参考,对于特殊产品,其尺寸会相应改变; 2.表中的输入输出电压,可根据客户需求进行生产,任意组合; 3.对未列出的规格和尺寸,可根据用户要求协商确定; 4.本产品绝缘等级为E级,也可根据客户要求生产(B、F、H)。 1.The measurements of products are only for your reference.For particular products,the measuremenrs change accordingly. 2.The input voltage and output voltage in the chart vary with the requirements of customers and can be combined at customer′s option. 3.The unlisted specifications and measurements can be decided through consultation to meet the requirements of customers. 4.The insulation level of the products is E,or be produced(B、F、H)according to the requirements of customers. 型号含义/Model meanings J B K 5-□-□ J-机床/Machine tool B-变压器/Transformer K-控制/Control 5-设计序号/Design serial number □-额定容量(VA)/Rated power(VA) □-湿热带型加TH/Wet tropic-type plus TH
订货须知/Order goods notice 1.产品型号/Production model number 2.额定容量/Rated power 3.初次级额定电压/Primary and secondary rated voltage 4.频率/Frequency 5.需要ROHS环保认证的请注明 Need the ROHS environmental protection authentication to invite the indication 6.其他特殊要求/Other special needs