JBK5Z系列整流电源变压器 JBK5Z Series rectifier power supply transformer 用途/Purpose JBK5Z系列整流电源变压器是根据BKZ系列硅整流电源装置和JBK5系列单相变压器结合延伸而来,具有结构紧凑、外形美观、功耗小、控制容量大等特点。适用于交流50HZ(或60HZ)额定输入电压不超过1000V、额定输出电压不超过DC100V的电路中,用作各行业机械设备一般电气控制的直流电源。(电压可按用户要求) JBK5Z series rectifier power supply transformers are extended products by combining BKZ series silicon rectifier power supply apparatus and JBK5 series single-phase transformers,having the characteristics of compact structure,artistic configuration,low power consumption and big control capacity etc.The products are applicable in ciruits with alternatingcurrent,50Hz(or 60Hz),rating input voltage less than 1000V and rating output voltage less than DC100V.The products can be used as direct current power supplies controlling general electrical equipment of mechanical equipments in various industries.(Voltage varies with the requirements of users.) 图示/Graphical representation 
JBK5Z系列整流电源变压器主要技术参数 Major technological parameters of JBK5Z series rectifier power supply transformers 型号 model | 外形尺寸/exterior size | 安装尺寸/installation size | 安装孔/open holes | 图号 chart number | 长 Bmax length | 宽 Dmax width | 高 Emax high | 长 A length | 宽 C width | K | L | JBK5Z-40/63 | 78 | 85 | 135 | 56±0.15 | 46±0.125 | 4.8 | 9 | 图1 chart 1 | JBK5Z-100 | 84 | 95 | 140 | 64±0.15 | 62±0.15 | 5.8 | 11 | JBK5Z-160 | 96 | 95 | 145 | 84±0.175 | 73.5±0.15 | 5.8 | 11 | JBK5Z-250 | 96 | 105 | 145 | 84±0.175 | 85±0.175 | 5.8 | 11 | JBK5Z-400 | 120 | 105 | 160 | 90±0.175 | 85±0.175 | 7 | 12 | JBK5Z-630 | 150 | 110 | 200 | 122±0.2 | 90±0.175 | 7 | 12 | JBK5Z-800 | 150 | 125 | 200 | 122±0.2 | 105±0.2 | 7 | 12 | JBK5Z-1000 | 150 | 250 | 150 | 126±2 | 152±2 | 7 | 12 | 图2 chart 2 | JBK5Z-1600 | 176 | 270 | 160 | 146±2 | 176±2 | 7 | 12 | JBK5Z-2000 | 200 | 290 | 170 | 174±2 | 200±2 | 7 | 12 | JBK5Z-2500 | 200 | 290 | 170 | 174±2 | 200±2 | 7 | 12 |
1、产品尺寸仅供参考,对于特殊产品,其尺寸会相应改变; 2、表中的输入输出电压,可根据客户需求进行生产,任意组合; 3、对未列出的规格和尺寸,可根据用户要求协商确定; 4、本产品绝缘等级为E级,也可根据客户要求生产(B、F、H)。 1、The measurements of products are only for your reference.For particular products,the measuremenrs change accordingly. 2、The input voltage and output voltage in the chart vary with the requirements of customers and can be combined at customer′s option. 3、The unlisted specifications and measurements can be decided through consultation to meet the requirements of customers. 4、The insulation level of the products is E,or be produced(B、F、H)according to the requirements of customers. 型号含义/Model meanings
J B K 5 Z-□-□ J-机床/Machine tool B-变压器/Transformer K-控制/Control 5-设计序号/Design serial number Z-整流/Commutate □-额定容量(VA)/Rated power(VA) □-湿热带型加TH/Wet tropic-type plus TH
订货须知/Order goods notice
1.产品型号/Production model number 2.次级额定直流电流电压/Secondary rated DC current and DC voltage 3.初级额定电压/Primary rated voltage 4.频率/Frequency 5.其他特殊要求/Other special needs |