欢迎访问川焊官网www.chuanhan.com, 了解详细产品信息。
引弧方式 :非接触引弧、接触引弧(划擦引弧)
Striking pattern: non-touching striking, touching striking (scraping striking)
特点 Characteristics :
●实现高质量的钨极氩弧焊 / 手工药皮电弧焊
Realize high-quality argon tungsten-arc welding/manual coating arc welding
One machine can complete both operations of bottoming and cosmetic welding, simple and practical
●普通 S/ST 功能同时兼备
Both functions of general S and ST models are available
Non-touching automatic striking will not do harm to workpiece, with no tungsten
Centralized function of panel makes it simple to operate
●采用 IGBT 器件,动态响应快,电弧稳定
Adopt IGBT device, fast dynamic response and stable arc
Built-in noise filtering device, low noise operation and no spatter
Extremely high flaw-detection yield
High reliability design, incorporated arc striking device with host machine, less cable connection
High reliability design, high-quality high voltaic welding
★可一机完成打底盖面,实现高质量的钨极氩弧焊 / 手工药皮电弧焊
One machine can complete both operations of bottoming and cosmetic welding, realizing high-quality argon tungsten-arc welding/manual coating arc welding
Incorporated arc striking device with host machine, convenient and reliable