MAPA 997(SOLO 997)一次性手套
长度:24.5cm 厚度:0.10mm
l 100%丁腈材质对于油类环境有很好的抵抗力,
l 指尖有螺纹处理,更好的抓握性,
l 无粉氯洗处理,方便穿戴
l 可直接接触食品,符合美国FDA关于接触食品和药品要求
Good protection for light handling of fatty food
- Excellent dexterity thanks to flexibility and reduced material thickness
- Worn alone or as an outer-glove
- Suitable for all types of food
- Recommended for light food handling or oily environments in industry
- Aeronautics industry
- Work with composite materials (resins)
- Automotive/mechanical industry
- Assembly of small oily parts
- Food industry
- Food handling
- Food preparation
- Handling fruits and vegetables
- Handling of fatty foods
- Preparation and packaging of fatty foods
- Laboratory
- Manufacturing of medicines
- Pharmaceutical preparation
- Research, analysis, handling of precision parts